UAE Country of sensational contrasts

Travel agencies advertise the United Arab Emirates as a land of sensational contrasts, and this cliche is true: mountains, oases, Bedouin markets, beaches, camel run, ultra -modern shops, deserts huddle in this relatively small territory. If there is a desire to visit only one country of the Middle East, the Country of the UAE is, without a doubt, the best choice, because it has the most preferential customs rules, the best tourist infrastructure and is available to independent tourists.

The attractions of the UAE

Among the historical attractions of the UAE, mosques and fortresses are distinguished, which can be found in the old centers of Abu Dabi and Dubai. Stand out: the Great Mosque, the White Fort and the Fort Al-Fahidi (Al-Fahidi), in which the Dubai Museum is located. In the east of the country, Al-Ain is interesting, where you can visit a camel market, a zoo and a museum with old and new exhibits and ceramics of Mesopotamia.

In the main cities of the Emirates, excursions are organized to the islands that the country of the UAE is rich in. There are more than 200 of them, and the most interesting are: the island of Karn (Qarn), the island of Belghila (Belghilam), the island of Sadiyat (Sadiyat) and the island of Abul-Anyadh (Abul-Anyadh). An exciting adventure can be a trip to Ras-al-Haima, where there is an old port overlooking the Hajar Mountains, to Dide Oases (Dhaid) and Khatt (Khatt), where you can find mineral springs, in the natural harbor of Diba (Dibba ) and Khor Kalba, where the most picturesque and equipped beaches are located.

National cuisine of the UAE

The main products of the population of the Emirates are rice, meat and fish, and the most commonly used spices: saffron, coriander and clove. Machbous, made of rice, meat, tomato, onions and dry lemon, is considered a favorite dish of the majority of the population. During Ramadan, the UAE country prefers Harees – small pieces of meat mixed with water and wheat. The favorite dessert is Al-Halwa, from sugar, eggs, starch, water, or kul wiskut-a mixture of peanuts with sugar, and the most popular drinks are coffee and tea, often mixed with spices.

Weather in the UAE

Like all Arabian states, the country of the UAE rarely visited by rains, which are almost always in winter. In the coldest months, January and February, the minimum temperature is 12-14 degrees heat, and the maximum is about 20. In the hottest months, July and August, there can be from 30 to 45 degrees of heat, which is not very favorable for tourists, especially European.