New Zealand

The village of Hobbits is volcanoes, valleys and fjords. Also, amazing creatures live here – hobbits. Everyone can see their village: it is located 2 hours from Auckland (the village was built for filming the films “Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings”).

Auckland Odland is a city located on the island of Severny. Here you can take a walk along the picturesque streets, taste Pacific dishes in the port, go up to the observation deck of the Sky Tower radio tower to admire the oral.

Traveling with children, it is worth going to the Bolshoy Odland Zoo, which works both day and night (they arrange night safari).

On some beaches of the Peninsula of the Koromandel (160 km from Auckland), hot springs are breaking through the sand, forming small pools, whose bathing is a pleasure.

Rotorois City Rotorois – the edge of thermal springs, powerful geysers and a unique hot waterfall. Almost all hotels of this city offer their guests magnificent SPA-procedures.

Wellington Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, which is a cultural, political and cinema center of the country. From here you can go on a tour in the wake of the filming of the film “Lord of the Rings”.

From Wellington to the island of Yuzhny you can get by ferry (the path will be about 3 hours). Here are the most important beauties of New Zealand, for example, the Fiordland National Park, one of the fjords of which (Milford-Sind), Kipling called 8 a miracle of light.

Kaikoura want to see blue whales? Go to the 2-hour walk on the boat on the Kaikoura Peninsula.

You will get an unforgettable impressions from relaxing in New Zealand.