How to expand the space of a small bath

Any of us is well aware that in most of our typical apartments, baths are enough, small in size. It is not even difficult to make repairs in it, but to realize your fantasies and design ideas, as it seems to you, is almost impossible, with such a limited space. In this case, the bathroom should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Of course, the task is not easy, but quite feasible, that’s for sure. First of all, the correct decor of walls, floor and ceiling visually expands the space. Pick the suitable tile to the floor and on the walls. A good selection of such an attribute decor is in the DP store. UA, where prices and assortment will please you.

Stages of work

It is important to think very well the progress of your actions, it will be determined whether you will change the layout of the room, if so, then decide in which places the plumbing will stand in order to correctly bring communications to it. Do not be afraid, in our modern world everything is easy and everything is possible.

The next stage is the most important and responsible for repair in the bathroom is the choice of ceramic tiles. Of course, it is necessary to take into account which tiles are most suitable for walls and for the floor in a small bath.

To expand the visually small bathroom, it is best to opt for ceramic plates of the size as 20×30 cm, if you take more – visually your bath will no longer become. Mosaic tiles look perfect on the wall, it will fit perfectly into the interior of a small bath.

The color of ceramic tiles is very not unimportant when repairing in the bathroom. Do not buy plain and dark tones to expand space. In this case, tiles of light colors, with a small pattern, pattern and mosaic tiles of pastel colors are best suited.

You can also make a large contrast of bright vertical stripes, more saturated than the main color of the tile. This will not only visually increase the room, but also decorate your bath. The surface of a ceramic slab is best chosen glossy, it makes the room visually more air. Paradise tile is not only in quality, but also by a variety of shapes and colors.

Embossed tiles are best chosen as a decor. Plane laying also plays an important role in repair. If you have stopped by choosing not square, but rectangular tiles, it is better to put it on the wall horizontally, it makes a vertically a room above.

It will be more correct to put the tile diagonally on the floor and so that the color either merges with the color of the walls, or was a tone lighter.

A few tips

The space is expanding not only color, but also suspended furniture, plumbing, large mirrors.

A bath is a closed space, so there it takes more light. This will make your room more spacious.

And remember, patience and work will always help you overcome any obstacles in the repair, and your small bath will be not only beautiful and cozy, but also multifunctional.