Excursion in the attractive country of Croatia

With a sophisticated coastline, which extends for thousands of kilometers, charming medieval settlements, rocky mountain ranges and tender seafood from Adriatic, the country of Croatia is an irresistible attractive tourist direction. Without a doubt, its coast is the main attraction of the country, but having come here, one cannot help but notice the wave -like hills of Histry, delicious food, sweet wines and truffles, which overwhelm the spirit of Tuscany.

The attractions of Croatia

A tour of Horvitia can start with Zagreb, where attractions such as the Cathedral, Sabor – the Croatian Parliament, the Church of St. Mark, as well as the Mimar Museum, the Museum of Ceramics and the workshop of Metrovich come to the pen. To the north of Zagreb are the castles of the Great Tabor and Trakoscan (Trakoscan), surrounded by rich vineyards. The medieval city of Dubrovnik, in addition to charming beaches, will offer to get acquainted with its history with the help of the Palace of the rector, the Monastery of the Franciscans or the ancient fortifications of the 13th century, the city of Split will introduce the unique architecture of the time of Emperor Diocletian, and the Trogir with beautiful Venice Gothic buildings.

Croatia’s country has many national parks that will slightly change the topic of listing attractions. Among these green necklaces stands out Park Brioni, consisting of 14 islands off the coast of Istria, KRPA Park with an enchanting canyon, Plitvitsky Lake Park, which has 16 lakes and several waterfalls, Kornati Park, which has uninhabited islands offering a vacation in the style of Robinson Crusoe.     

National cuisine of Croatia

National cooking of Croatia is tied to holidays. At Christmas, the Croats eat cod, baked goose or turkey, for the New Year – pork dishes, during the days of pilgrimage, the Croatian country prefers potatoes, and you can try hrostule – incredibly tasty local donuts on carnivals. By Easter, ham and boiled eggs are served, and on the holidays of harvesting, peasants prepare a sharp sausage and fried lamb, smoking fish in a special way. All these treats are served with just collected vegetables.

Climate in Croatia

According to the climate, the country of Croatia is divided into two parts: the coastal, where it is hot in the summer (28-33 degrees), and in winter it is warm (plus 5-10 degrees), and continental, where it is cold in winter (0-5 degrees of frost), and in the summer moderately in summer) heat (25-27 degrees). Croatia mountains are cooler, and the bathing season lasts from June to September.