Northern beauty, country Denmark

Jutland and 400 islands that surround it formed one of the smallest countries in Europe – Denmark, which is rich in picturesque cities, towns and villages, castles and monuments, sandy beaches, bays and fjords. Northern beauty, the country of Denmark, her delicate hills and valleys, offer a wide range of natural attractions: beech forests and green spaces, lakes, sand dunes and white rocks.

Denmark attractions

A tourist who has arrived in Denmark for the first time may be confused from many attractions. In order not to miss something interesting, it is better to make a list that will have this type:

• Do not miss the statue of the mermaid – a symbol of Copenhagen; • discover the Herks of the Vikings in the Viking Museum of the city of Roskill; • visit the famous beer manufacturer, Carlsberg and get acquainted with its history; • Palace Amalienborg is the residence of kings, try to get there at 12 o’clock, when the change of guard passes; • follow the traces of Hamlet into Elsior and see the Kronborg Castle; • take a walk in Christianity, an independent hippy community of Copenhagen, founded in 1971; • explore the largest burials of the Vikings in the city of Olborg; • revive childhood memories by visiting the House of the Great Hans Christian Andersen; • stop in one of the health resorts of Denmark, who are scattered throughout the country; • Show the children Legalnd in Billund, because they should enjoy the journey.

Of course, this list is not everything that the country of Denmark offers, but the most interesting is present here.

National cuisine of Denmark

Residents of Denmark usually do not mix various types of food on a plate, but serve them in strict order. The country of Denmark is associated with the sea, so it is not surprising that crustaceans are an important component of Danish cuisine. The most popular dish is Smorrebrod, which consists of a piece of meat, seafood, cheese and a good portion of the side dish. Swedish tables with cheese, seafood, hot dishes, fish, meat, sweets and, of course, beer are also very in demand in Denmark.

Weather in Denmark

Sea power, the country of Denmark is influenced. In the winter months, temperature can drop below zero degrees, especially at night, but in the summer, the weather indulges, rising to the mark plus 25 degrees. In spring and autumn, temperature limits are 12-16 degrees, which is very convenient for excursions and traveling around the country.