How to install a plastic window yourself

How to install a plastic window yourself? Many people ask this question and not in vain, because the installation procedure is not as complicated as it seems, and therefore today many people install them with their own hands.

First stage

Measurements. First of all, they are. The purpose of the correctly removed measurements from window openings.

It is necessary to remove the upper plaster layer to determine the true size of the opening, to make a decision whether it is possible to carry out installation and not completely delete this layer.

Second phase

Windows are usually dismantled each separately, after which a new design is installed and you can already go to another opening, so as not to leave a room with a large number of freely open spaces for a long time. After the dismantling of old windows is made, it will be necessary to clean the liberated openings from dust. After all, mounting foam will not stay on the dirty surface.

The third stage

It is necessary to prepare a frame for the installation to remove the sash and stacks from it (plastic rails fastening the double -glazed window). Then the double -glazed window is removed, and drainage holes are temporarily closed.

The fourth stage

Then you need to insert a frame with a window sill clutching on wedges. They are made by their material of the solid tree, which should be saturated with an antibacterial solution (PVC is also suitable). Then, the frame is set along the plumb line and level with the help of wedges, and so that on both sides there are the same gaps, and the frame itself is located horizontally along the top and vertical along the plane, and also parallel to the wall.

You can allow a small deviation of one and a half millimeter.

The fifth stage

After installing the frame, you need to choose the supporting gaskets, or rather their thickness. The frame should in no case be based on mounting seams, and its mass should be transmitted to the structure of the structure through the gaskets. Then it will be necessary to place holes for fasteners on the frame. It is worth noting that they need to be drunk only on the outer sides into the frame.

The holes must be blown to make the hit of metal shavings into the fittings.


In principle, this is the main process. Then you only need to glue the sealing tape on the upper and side parts of the frame and fix the frame with wedges, plunging the dowel with a screwdriver. Then the upper and side gaps are filled with special mounting foam.

How can you see nothing particularly complicated.

Watch the video: Installation of plastic windows according to GOST

Watch the video: Rules for installing plastic windows

Watch the video: completion of the 1st stage of installation of a plastic window. Bauplast.

Watch the video: installation threw a plastic window