Barcelona Spain is one of the largest cities in Spain

Its age is more than 1, 5 thousand years. The official language is Spanish. The population of the city with all the environs is approximately nine million people. The bulk of the inhabitants are Catholics.

Dragon Cave of the coast of the city washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the prevailing Mediterranean climate, the winter is soft and without abundant precipitation. Summer is warm and wet. If you want to lie down on a sandy beach, bask in the sun, then the most suitable for this is the month from June to September. At this time, the air temperature is 23 – 25 degrees. . Well developed transport infrastructure. You can get here by air, water, railway and vehicles. There is a metro with 10 lines, which creates convenience and comfort when moving. A feature of its lines is that they are laid both underground and on earth.

Often, Barcelona is called one of the largest stores in Europe. On its territory there are various branded stores and own shops with many years of history. On their windows and shelves you can find a variety of products. Its quality will not disappoint you.

Fans of pristine nature will like parks: sulfurd-d’obak, San Lorens de Munt and Monsigne (40 km. from Barcelona). You can walk in the forest from pine trees and stone oaks in the Fon-Groga reserve. The best hotels in the city are Amrey Sant Pau, Gran Hotel Catalonia and Catalonia Corcega.

The cost of a tourist ticket here is approximately 900 euros and higher, depending on the hotel, the time of year, the tour of the tour in the trip, etc. D.