Jamaica country in the rhythm of reggae and jazz

Music is a synonym for Jamaica, whether it be rock, reggae or reggeton. In historical Kingston, squares and streets are shrouded in rhythms of raP and jazz. Of course, besides music, the country of Jamaica is interesting and exotic, offering its admirers high -class resorts, colonial cities and an amazingly diverse nature.

The attractions of Jamaica

The capital Kingston is modern. Here, tourists can make excellent shopping, sit with amenities and enjoy incendiary nightlife. From the attractions, one can note Port-Royal-a museum that honors the memory of the former capital, which sank after the earthquake of 1692. The country of Jamaica is loved not only by tourists, but also by dolphins. In the Bay of the End-Rios (Ochi Rios), which is surrounded by a tropical forest, many of these delightful marine mammals live. In the city of Montego-Bey, it is worth walking along the streets of Gloucester and Kent, from where you can see a huge plot, constantly raging, ocean.

The real color extravaganza can be called the Botanical Garden of Park Botanical Garden, located on the hill slope and a colorful waterfall. The relics of the history of Jamaica can be explored in the Columbus Park, and the romantic country of Jamaica will appear before visitors to the “Rock of Lovers” (Lovers Leap), where they will tell a charming legend about immortal love. Colonial architecture can be acquainted in the Spanish-Town, the former capital, and with Fauna and the Fauna of the Island-in the Blue Mountains, where more than 200 species of birds and 800 species of plants found their refuge. Lovers of adrenaline adventures have the opportunity to test themselves in the “green caves”, where local residents from Aravaks once took refuge.

National cuisine of Jamaica

Jamaican food is rich in spices that the country of Jamaica diligently exports. In addition to chili pepper, ginger, roots of maniacs, nutmeg and sweet pepper are used here. Vammy, fried bread from maniacs, is used with almost all dishes, and ACKEE is a national fruit, which must be carefully cooked so as not to poison. He and salty fish are the most popular local breakfast. For dinner, natives eat legumes, rice with chicken or pork.

Weather on Jamaica

Not very changing temperature rates and stable passats are characteristic features of a tropical climate that rejoices in the country of Jamaica. From 23 to 33 degrees in the summer months, from 21 to 30 degrees in winter – the temperature common on the island throughout the year.