Traveling around the country as the Czech Republic – true pleasure

Most visitors of the Czech Republic prefer Prague, the Cosmopolitan capital of the Czech Republic, but if there is a desire to discover the cultural wealth of this country, you need to go beyond the limits of the capital, admire its diverse landscapes consisting of plains, forests, mountains. The Czech country, without great destruction, came out of World War II, so its cities are rich in medieval sights, architecture in the Baroque and modern style.

The attractions of the Czech Republic

Of course, an excursion to the Czech Republic will be incomplete without a trip to the capital of the country, which, as it is visible from the medieval fortress, old town hall or tower Petrin. From the capital, you can follow in the Croumles and explore the rivier of the Vlastava and the shafts of the ancient castle. The miniature country of the Czech Republic is represented in the historical center of the city of Karlova Vara, where Gothic and Baroque dominated. The most beautiful castle of the Czech Republic is considered to be Karlstejn Castle, erected in the 14th century on a dramatic slope, and the most colorful cathedral is the Kutna Gora Cathedral, included in the UNESCO lists. Unusual Churches of Brno, in which you can still visit the Museum of Moravia and the Gothic Castle Spilberk (spilberk).

Insulating centers, cramped comor, cemetery and Rogozin crematorium will tell about the terrible time that the country of the Czech Republic does not like to remember. The country’s real attraction is Czech spa resorts that attract, even crowned persons in Europe. The same can be said about the national parks of the Czech Republic, among which, with its transparent lakes, virgin forests and historical places, stands out the Schumava Park, which is a real edema for lovers of ecotourism.

The national cuisine of the Czech Republic

Czech cuisine is marked with a predominance of meat dishes. Pork is very popular, but not much inferior to her beef and chicken. In addition, the Czech country loves the meat of deer, rabbits and ducks with which its forest lands are full. Strange, but in the Czech Republic they do not really like fish, with the exception of sprats and carp, which are prepared for Christmas.

Weather in the Czech Republic

The moderate climate uses the Czech country, favors traveling here. Summer here is quite warm (up to 26 degrees), but winter is not very frosty (up to 5 degrees of frost). There are a lot of rains in the summer, but they do not interfere with travel. In winter, there is no snow on the flat territory, but in the mountains it falls in abundance, which turns winter vacation in the mountains of the Czech Republic into true pleasure.