Construction brick: advantages and disadvantages

Often in the construction of houses and other residential and non -residential buildings, brick is used. For several years, it has been the most common and in demand among the extensive variety of building materials. A brick is an artificial clinker (rectangular) form that is made of mineral materials. Like any other type of building materials, the brick is characterized by both positive aspects and negative points. Next, we consider the main advantages and disadvantages of this material.

Pros and cons of bricks

High -quality construction brick has a lot of advantages. He is durable, environmentally friendly, durable. In addition, it is characterized by aesthetic appearance. With a brick, perhaps, only a natural stone can compare, which combines these properties. In fact, the reasons for such an impressive demand for brick are different. They are not only that this material is endowed with unique properties and this is the optimal choice, supported by an excellent ratio of quality and price, but also that the walls erected from brick are noble and incredibly attractive. Today, the assortment, which is offered by a variety of construction companies, is very huge.

In their design, bricks are divided into full -bodied and hollow. Their thickness can be absolutely any: from blocks of classic size to thin narrow or elongated tiles (panels). As for the color palette, it is also not monotonous. For example, you can find a brick, both pastel beige shades and saturated red or brown tones. The facial appearance of the material is both matte, textured, and glazed, and smooth. Due to such a wealth of options for fulfilling brick, you can upload truly unique and unique drawings.

The most common option is the combination of randomly lined bricks of various color schemes.

So, for example, a wall built of pale yellow, light orange and red bricks is able to revive any room. The modern clinker is made of high quality clay, which are formed and burned in the furnace at a temperature reaching 1200 ° C. The material is characterized by high frost resistance, low water absorption and unprecedented strength. It is recommended for paving paths. For this purpose, the clinker, not ordinary brick, is used just the same. Since the second option is less durable, and the life of the “life” of the path will be relatively small.

The process of brickwork is quite laborious and complicated, especially when it comes to massive buildings. Moreover, such a lesson takes a large amount of time, since bricks have small dimensions and are laid out separately. Moreover, in order for the masonry to really turn out, it will be necessary to control the stitches for the resulting seams.