The advantages and disadvantages of cottages from the beam

The tree is considered one of the most popular materials in construction. Especially relevant are the technologies that use a tree for the construction of low -rise buildings within the city or summer cottages. However, the quality of houses built of wood varies radically – you can see nearby a almost “fresh” house from larch and a dilapidated building unsuitable for life. Moreover, both buildings were built at the same time. That is why the construction of country houses from timber becomes more popular. Advantages of technology

1. The most basic advantage of the beam is very advertised – now they only talk about the environmental friendliness of development. And what could be more natural than a tree? In houses built from this material, the air is always clean, and the dream is strong.

This effect is achieved due to the effective vapor permeability of the tree. But this does not mean that cold will penetrate into the room in the room, and in the summer – hot air. On the contrary, walls from the beam are better stored warmly in the winter, and cold – in summer.

2. Also, one cannot fail to mention the efficiency of this material. The fact is that the thickness of the walls of wood can be less than brick – from 15 to 30 cm. Which in itself already allows you to save, without any damage, approval for subsequent residence. In addition, the share of wood is very small, which makes it possible to fill in a less massive foundation, which also retains a “penny”.

An additional advantage to both of the above advantages can add the absence of the need for decoration.

The main shortcomings of the technology:

1. The danger of fires. Of course, now there are many special impregnations that significantly minimize the possibility of ignition, but … This significantly reduces the joy of the environmental friendliness of the house, since such compounds are continuous chemistry.

2. The danger that the environmental factors carry. Here we can mention decay, which can begin under the influence of damp or constant rain, as well as in the case of internal communications.

3. Shrinking at home. Usually, this slows down the construction process, since it takes a lot of waiting time, before the start of the interior decoration of the premises.

Summing up, you can confidently predict the stable demand for the construction of country houses from the beam. Medium and multi -storey construction can only use the tree in part, but not for capital work.