Cherry care throughout the season, or how to properly care for the cherry year -round

Cherry requires sufficient attention, because in order for it to constantly give a good harvest, and the berries are of high quality, it will need a certain care.

Many people believe that cherry can grow perfectly itself – this is also true, but only the fruits will be much smaller, in comparison with the trees, behind which they constantly looked after. High -quality and taste characteristics (fruits, integrity, acid, and so on) will also leave much.

Therefore, for starters, the most favorable place for planting the seedling of cherries should be determined, given the various features that affect its further growth.

What you need to know when starting the landing of cherries?

The yield of wood is not always depends only on good care. It is very important to choose the right place that will provide the most favorable conditions for the fertility of cherries.

Often, the tree does not bear fruit due to errors that amateur gardeners often make, not entirely experienced in these issues.

First you should figure out which varieties of cherries are well subject to cultivation in a particular region. Then, from the list of such varieties, you need to choose those that are most fertile, and also are the most persistent to various diseases.

Start landing with self -fruit varieties. It is worth paying very important attention to the following: when landing of self-seated cherries, always not far from them should be a suitable variety-pollinator. If this rule is ignored, then cherry will not give.

The period of landing, for example, cherries, which is planted in the month of April (in its middle), will be easier to take root. There will be no problems with the trees that are planted before frost on the ground, this is in the month of October.

Cherry needs a lot of sunlight, therefore, the best place for the landing will be a hill. Milks provide rapid warming up of the soil in the summer and the best freezing by winter. The trees planted on the slopes are also favorably located, because they are protected from the close arrangement of groundwater. But the forest belt and the hollows are not quite favorable places for cherries, it is especially harmful to the presence of snow with a layer of more than one meter.

For the best growth and excellent development of the tree, it is good for the soil to be loamy, you can also sand. Such soil has neutral acidity and the best fertility.

What else is important to take into account the seniority of cherries is the quality and health of the seedling. When choosing it, it is necessary to perform a visual inspection: the roots should be whole and well developed, and the seedling itself is healthy. After the purchase, it is important to deliver it to the site with an intact and whole root system.

Thus, for planting a tree, you need to prepare very well theoretically (read the relevant information and watch training videos). Then also study the features of wood care.

How to properly care for cherries, especially year -round?

Constant care of the young cherry must be started right from the moment of its landing (when a favorable place is carefully selected and the tree was planted).

Around the seedling (in the trunk circle), sawdust or compost should be laid out, this brings huge assistance to the tree: moisture does not evaporate so quickly and the earth is not covered with a dense crust that overlaps the oxygen to the root system.

The first couple of years around the tree it is recommended to do only not very deep loosening of the soil (neatly, so as not to harm the roots that are close to the surface of the earth) and watering if the weather in these years was mainly arid. Of course, weeding weeds is a mandatory matter, even without a doubt.

If for the seedling, when planting, the soil was additionally fertilized, then there is no special need for feeding cherries upon reaching it for the age of two.

Features of cherry leaving, depending on age and with the onset of the period of active fruiting, change significantly:

Cherry requires mineral and organic fertilizers (this is peat, humus, sniffed manure). They must be introduced for the growing season twice, and also add, in the fall, during digging;

Two or three times a season under cherry trees, it is necessary to loosen the ground;

If the season differs in droughts, then cherries should be watered, and quite abundantly, about three buckets under one;

The last abundant watering, if the season was arid, must be performed at the end of September. The amount of water is approximately ten buckets per unit plant;

Watering is not carried out in a season with high humidity, but the ground should be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which is best done at the end of summer;

Cherry after winter frosts should be sprinkled with sawdust and compost;

To improve pollination in spring with bees of cherry flowers, in cold and rainy weather, you can periodically chop them with water and honey;

It is very important to inspect cherry trees during the growing season for the presence of signs of the disease or pests. This will allow timely to eliminate possible problems;

Once every five years, it should be around a tree at a distance of about 50 cm water the earth with a lime solution. This method allows reducing the acidity in the soil, which adversely affects the stability of the ovaries;

Cherry trees are mandatory to be trimmed. First of all, sick and dried branches are removed, then weak. In addition, pruning allows you to lend a too thick crown, which increases productivity;

Cherry copulation is required periodically, especially after the age of seven.

Do not forget about individual seasonal cares, for example, cleaning in the fall from cherries of fallen leaves, which relieves wood and the root system from the development of diseases and pests.

The trunks of cherry trees should be protected from rodents and sunburns by whitewashing them.

In winter, the snow needs to rake to the trees, and pour sawdust into the resulting heaps. But with branches wet snow should definitely be cut off periodically.

If the tree has managed to bloom, then smoke will protect it from frosts. To do this, at the dawn, near the cherries, heaps with straw and manure should not be lighted, they will not burn, but will be smoked.

And of course, it is very important to remember that a neat and careful harvesting – is also part of the care of a cherry tree.