Malta – a country of caves, sirens and fish dishes

The Maltese archipelago drifts in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Komino. Only a few farmers live on the latter, but Malta and Gozo have more than 700-year history. Thanks to the monuments left by various civilizations, the country of Malt can be called a real open -air museum.

The sights of Malta

Walletta, the capital, boasts an interesting architecture in the Baroque style, an impressive collection of tapestries created for Louis of the fourteenth, and contained in the Cathedral of St. John, the Museum of Fine Arts, occupying the beautiful Palace of the 18th century, the Church of the Holy Virgin and the National Archaeological Museum, rich in numerous artifacts. The city of Mdin is known for its medieval fortress and the area of ​​the bastion, from which a delightful panoramic view of the surroundings and the bay of St. Paul opens.

The list of natural attractions that the country of Malta is famous for is to be opened with a blue grotto, where, according to legend, the sirens lured sailors into their deadly arms. It is best to visit the grotto early in the morning, when its four caves reflect the bright colors of corals and minerals. The mysterious and intriguing caves of the Aura Point (Qawra Point) will interest divers, and from the zurye (Qawra Point) is ideal for night dives. The most cool beaches are on the northern coast. This is Paradise Bay, Golden Bay, Mellieha Bay and Armier Bay. Il-Aura (Il-QAWRA) is known how the inner sea is a secluded pool with crystal clean waters of rocky cliffs.

National cuisine of Malta

Traditional Maltese cuisine depends on the seasons and contains several main ingredients: olive oil, artichokes, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower. Minestra – thick vegetable soup, gbejniet – cheese from goat or sheep’s milk, Lampuki – beef with olives, fenek – rabbit meat prepared in wine, are the main national dishes of the islands. Located in the middle of the sea, the country of Malta could not do without fish dishes, the most popular of which: Lampuki is a fish pie.

Weather in Malta

Mediterranean country Malta can offer a warm and favorable climate for health. There are no fogs, snow or winds here. The average temperature from May to July 25-30 degrees, and in August-September-35-38 degrees. In winter, thermometer readings can fall to the maximum to plus 5 degrees. It is most comfortable to come to Malta from April to July.