Visiting a fairy -tale country – Finland

In distant Lapland, people are still grazing herds of deer, and in their free time they pick up on the Internet – the country Finland is a territory with one of the most advanced technologies. This country largely depends on the climate, so the Finns are happy to use short summer. Finland is the mistress of many festivals: from the grand earbaier of the opera festival in Savonlinna to the fascinating championship of the world in the game on the guitar.

The attractions of Finland

Helsinki is surrounded by parks, forests and lakes. The sea fortress of Suomenlinna is the first to catch the eye, and numerous museums and presentations will be to everyone. The oldest city in the country is considered Turku. The former capital boasts a magnificent medieval castle, a beautiful cathedral, several museums and restaurants. East of Finland Orthodox. They speak Russian here, and the sights of some villages, for example, Ilomantsi, are Russian huts and churches. Here is the house of the Finnish national epic – Kalevala.

The University City of Yuvaskyla is a place of pilgrimage for lovers of architectural masterpieces – the great Alvar Aalto created here. The country Finland is an ideal place for ecotourism lovers. A trip by boat to the Aland Islands, the warmest part of the country, will introduce the most ancient cult attractions of Finland. In addition, this archipelago is an ideal place for bicycle travel. The most fabulous part of Suomi is Lapland, in which there are three national parks, high Saana Fell (Saana Fell) and Haltia Fell (Haltia Fell). The most famous grandfather of the world lives here.

The national cuisine of Finland

The main products of Finnish cooking are: potatoes, meat, fish, milk, butter and rye bread. Particularly tasty are fish dishes prepared from local pikes, perches, trout, salmon and salak. Restaurant menu include continental dishes and some Finnish branded dishes. For example: Skargardssmak – Fish Roulet, Puikula – Calakukko potatoes – fish or pork pie, Karjalan Piirakat – pudding filled with rice or potatoes.

Weather in Finland

Located in the north of the continent, the country of Finland is to the zone with a wet and cold winter, short, moderate summer. In February, the coldest month, temperatures can drop to 20 degrees of frost, and in August, the warmest month, they can rise to plus 20.   Naturally, the country Finland is covered with snow in winter, which in the south does not melt about 4 months, but in the north, and all 7.