Sweden a country of contrasts

The country of Sweden is a territory of contrasts, from Danish influence in the south-west to nomadic shines behind the polar circle. While urban quarters are modern and agglomered, rural areas offer simple pleasures to tourists who are looking for a calm place of rest. The large territory of the country is covered with forests, lakes and artificial reservoirs, especially the land between Gotheborg and Stockholm.

Square’s sights

The historical center of Stockholma contains an impressive collection of ancient buildings and paved streets, and modern streets of Osterlanggatan and Vasterlanggatan are pedestrian boulevards with a large number of shops and workshops. The capital contains many museums, the most fascinating of which are: Historical Museum, Vasa Museum and National Museum. On the island of Yurgorden (Djurgarden) is the Waldemarsudde Museum and the Northern Museum. Tourists should visit Gotyrog, the homeland “Volvo”. Its main attractions are: Marine Museum, Nordstaden Kronhuset (Nordstaden Kronhuset) and the city museum.

In Malma, tourists are attracted to the St. Peteri Church, the Castle Malma and the museums of constelled (Konsthallen) and Rooseum (Rooseum). Being a marine power, the country of Sweden has many islands, among which Gotland (Gotland) and Eland (Oland) are distinguished, where you can explore Lummelunda caves and the medieval city of Kattlundsgard. In the summer, the magnificent beaches of Sweden attract deserved attention. On the sea coast and lakes there are many centers specializing in water skiing and visurfing. Another country in Sweden is known for its golf fields. There are more than 400 of them here.

National cuisine of Sweden

National Swedish cuisine is focused on meat, fish and potatoes. The dishes that require tasting are: Husmanskost – meatballs with potatoes, Pytt I Panna – meat broth, artSoppa – pea soup, Sill – pickled herring, Gravlax – cold snack made of salmon. Restaurant gourmets, the country Sweden has prepared a special delicacy: a Swedish steak seasoned with herbs and vegetables.

Weather in Sweden

Due to meridional stretching, the country Sweden cannot boast of stable weather. In the northern and eastern regions of the country of winter, cold (minus 15-22 degrees), and the summer is short (15-17 degrees). Warm areas of Sweden, Western and southern, are characterized by soft winters (0-3 degrees of frost) and cozy summer (20-25 degrees).