Spain is a unique tourist diversity

Spain is an ideal direction for adventure seekers, gourmets or art lovers. From the centuries -old festivals to the entertainment offered on Ibiza, from Moorish art to Picasso and Juan Miro, travelers get a unique diversity. The magnificent country of Spain is in constant development – high -speed railways won mountainous areas, and large cities are equipped with ultra -modern metro lines. Despite all its modernity, here you can find lands where time, it would seem, stands still, offering Roman columns and ruins of the Arab towers to the review that stood guard of their lines.

The attractions of Spain

Of course, the main attraction of Spain is its cities, huge and miniature, modern and colonial. They are not like each other, differing, and style, and architecture, and, even, language. In Madrid, you can plunge into the world of modern culture and art, visiting the Queen of Sofia, the famous Gernik Picasso or the Tussen-Bornemisza Museum, and in Barcelona to encounter the atmosphere of unique California through the cathedral of the Holy Family, Palay de-la-la-generation (Palau de la Generalitat) and Hill Montzhuik.   The famous Guggenheim Museum is adorned by Bilbao, the city of arts and science of scoring will surprise a fantastic hemispheric, and in sunny pamplon you can have a great rest on the beaches, not so suffering from the heat.

If historical attractions are interesting, the country of Spain offers to get acquainted with the Moorish streets of Cordoba, the Roman ruins of Tarragon, the former residence of the caliphate in Cordoba, the city of Don Zhuan and Carmen, the fortress of Algam and the Granada, the walls of the beauty of Avila, where the holy mother of Teresa was born.

National cuisine of Spain

Spanish cuisine mainly consists of fresh, simple, lungs in cooking, dishes. They differ greatly, depending on the regions. For example, in Andalusia, the dishes are very sharp and have Arab roots, in Galicia, meat soups and beans are very popular, in Asturias they love Fabad beans, Valencia has a tendency to Mediterranean cuisine, and sausages and bacon are most eaten in extremader. Of course, the country of Spain is inferior without Catalonia and the Basque Country. In Catalonia, a lot of fish, seafood and birds are used, very often combining them with local fruits, and in the country of Basque in honor pork meat, fish and vegetables.

Weather in Spain

Being one of the southern countries of Europe, the country of Spain is one of the hottest. Especially in this regard, July and August are noted, when the temperature can exceed 30 degrees. Winter in Spain lasts a couple of months and it can not be especially cold. Unless in the Pyrenees minus temperatures are noted, which turns them into a great place for winter holidays. It is known that the best month for visiting Spain is September when summer heat is on a decline, and cool bars blow from water expanses.