Good, good Flemish rabbits-giants and their huge large family

Where the rabbits and giants come from

Flemish rabbits, also often called the Flanders – a fairly well -known and common breed. There are several opinions about its origin and versions. Of these, three main hypotheses of the origin of these giants can be distinguished. According to the first hypothesis, these animals are descendants of rabbits (Patagon), who were brought from Argentina by Dutch sailors somewhere in the period of 16-17 centuries.

Supporters of the second hypothesis claim that the Flemish rabbits have come from large rabbits who had previously lived in Patagonia and to date have long died out. The third hypothesis suggests that the Flanders are the result of crossing the Patagonian Argentine rabbits with large Flemish rabbits.

It is known that the breed of Flemish rabbits-giants at the end of the 19th century was brought to North America. At exhibitions, rabbits appeared in 1910, and already in 1916 the National Federation of Bleeconers of the Flemish giant was created.

However, despite the uncertainty in the history of the origin of these giants, they were able to become popular in all corners of our planet. In the USA, for example, Flanders are popular as pets.

Positive qualities of giant rabbits and their characteristic features

The main distinguishing feature of Flemish rabbits (Flanders) is their extremely rapid growth. Already at 4-5 months, their weight can reach 6-7 kg with a body length 65-66 cm. Sometimes the weight of the rabbit can reach even 10 kg.

Rabbits-giants have an elongated body about 65 cm long (sometimes even 70 cm), outwardly resembling an arch because of their bending. The wide breast in the girth is about 40 cm. They have very interesting ears that are quite wide and dense, having a black ring at the top. Their length can be 17-19 cm, and sometimes even 25 cm reaches. A distinctive feature of rabbits of this breed is a large head and cheeks.

Flemish rabbits are characterized by high fertility and the presence of a large amount of milk to feed offspring. There can be about 7-9 rabbits in one okrolet, sometimes their number can reach 16 pieces. At the age of one month, the weight of the rabbit is 0.7 kg, in two months, rabbits weigh 1.6 kg, 2.6 kg in three months, at four months – 3.6 kg, at five months – 4.6 kg, Six months – 5.5, at seven months – 6.3 kg and by eight months of age rabbits are gaining a weight of about 7 kg.

The size of the female is slightly smaller than the male. In addition to fertility and good milky, these females have another feature characteristic of this breed. It was established that these animals even exclude random eating by rabbits of their offspring.

The color of the flanders is quite diverse. There are often rabbits with a gray color (and all shades of gray), sand, sandy-orange (Favny), blue, silver, gray-red (agi), black and white. Their long and dense wool can reach 3.5 cm.

Because of their massive and awkward appearance, many consider them ugly and even ugly. But this is far from the case. Flanders are very cute and pretty creatures, and a massive and clumsy body absolutely does not spoil their appearance. They are very noble and unique not only with their appearance, but also. Rabbits are quite friendly and not aggressive in relation to people, very easily related to other animals. Another feature of them can be distinguished by a fairly high intelligence that is equated with the intellect of an adult dog. Many owners prefer to use Flanders as a decorative breed.

One of the most famous large varieties of this breed are Risen rabbits, Flander (Belgian and German). It is the Belgian Flander and the German Riser can rightfully be considered the largest rabbits. The length of their body on average is about 70 cm, with a mass of 7-8 kg. Their characteristic feature is muscular and very strong paws, long wool, which is about 4 cm, and long sticking ears. There is a very rare color in the German breed that cannot be found in other giant rabbits-this is the color of gold. These are really very unusual and beautiful animals.

To date, there are 71 breeds of rabbits, which to one degree or another inherited their genes from the Flemish ancestors. In terms of their characteristic features, the most close to their ancestors include the English species, Portuguese and Spanish. Although they are considered separate breeds, they mainly differ only in their excellent adaptability to local habitats.

In Russia, the most common is the so -called gray giant. Despite its name, rabbits of this breed are white and black. In terms of their weight characteristics, this type of giant rabbit is slightly inferior to its relatives, however, it should be noted that they simply adapt great to local climatic conditions, differ in excellent fertility and therefore are very beneficial from an economic point of view.

In our country, a white giant is also considered very popular, which appeared as a result of the Belgian-German selection. They have an excellent white skin with thick and shiny white fur, which is excellent coloring and is even used as an imitation of valuable expensive furs.

The main disadvantages of breeding giant breeds of rabbits

Of course, in addition to the extraordinary advantages of these gigantic rabbits, they are also inherent in shortcomings that complicate their breeding and implementation. That is why many experts in the field of rabbit breeding prefer to work with rocks of smaller or medium sizes. They call the main reason that large rocks are disadvantageous due to the need for a large amount of feed and significant area for their maintenance.

The following disadvantages of rabbits rabbits note that the puberty of adults occurs at the age of 8 months, which is considered a sufficiently late term, almost twice as later than that of medium-sized rabbits. Another feature that relates to negative is the frequent death of young rabbits due to gastrointestinal infections at three months of age.

Some of these problems are already at the stage of elimination. So, for example, a struggle is successfully waged with the help of biomycin with a disease of young individuals, and impressive costs for the acquisition of feed quickly pay off due to the good fertility of the rabbit.

Rabbits – pets and just friends

These weighty clumsy creatures are very cute and funny, outwardly reminiscent of fluffy puppies. Very often, Americans breed them as pets. It is believed that these “bunnies” in their intellect, devotion, sociability with people are not inferior even to the smartest dogs.

Gigant rabbits are quite friendly and can become wonderful friends of both adults and children.

In one British family lives the world’s largest rabbit named Ralph. Its weight today is about 25 kg, and the length of the body is a little more than a meter. He is a typical representative of the Flemish family. The rabbit has a rather atypical character for this breed, which he tirelessly shows his owners. He can grumble if something does not like something, or even bite, knocks dishes out of his hands, demanding food. All these quirks are not at all inherent in these good -natured animals.

However, this case is rather an exception, because mainly these rabbits have a completely calm and kind character.