Syria country is the land where civilizations are conceived

Syria is an incredibly beautiful country, still untouched by mass tourism. Her landscape changes from the forests of the north-west to the charming beaches of the Mediterranean. Very often, the country of Syria is called the “cradle of civilization”, because there was no such civilization in the history of the world that would not affect these lands or did not concern its history. It was here that the first alphabet was invented, which helped the Roman and Greek culture to take possession of the whole world.

Syrian attractions

The oldest populated city of the world is located in Syria – Damascus. Its important symbol is the Ummmayad mosque, in which the tomb of St. John the Baptist is located. Another mosque, Tikiyeh, built in the 16th century, stands out by its two minarets and an elegant dome. Al-Azem Palace (Al Azem), in which today is a museum containing unique works of Islamic art and invaluable copies of the Qur’an. Other attractions of Damascus: the house of Anania, where St. Paul was born; altar Sayid Zaynab, granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad; Gardens Dummar (Dummar), full of peaches, drain, cherries. A visit to the first Muslim city of Syria, Bosra, will introduce the ancient Arab architecture. The mosque is especially impressive, the only one that has survived from the early Islamic period.

During the legendary Queen of Zenobia, the country of Syria successfully resisted the Persian and Roman empires. Evidence of this is the city of Palmyra, located in a picturesque oasis. The ruins of the tomb valley, the underground altar of the three brothers, the great temple of Bela and the monumental arch were included in the UNESCO heritage lists, and the halabiye (Zalabiya), located next to Deir Ez Zor, played an important military military role in the days of unforgettable zenobia.

National dishes of Syria

Typical dishes of Syria are: hummus – chickpeas, falafel – crushed, fried chickpeas, shish kebab – lamb on a spit, farooj – baked chicken and chile. In general, the country of Syria loves sweet and very sour food. In great demand, chicken and lamb, eggplant and rice, olives and wheat, yogurt are in great demand.

Weather in Syria

Hot and dry summer, warm and rainy weather (except for internal areas) Winter – seasons that characterize the country of Syria. In terms of temperature indicators, Syria is not very different from its Middle Eastern neighbors: in winter-8-18 degrees, in the summer-22-33 degrees. In the desert, in summer, hotter – up to 48 degrees, and in winter, at night, colder – up to 0 degrees.