Spain and its popularity

Recently, a special place among our compatriots who want to combine a beach vacation on a visit to excursions on their vacation began to occupy Spain. Why is the popularity of this country inevitably growing in the tourism sector? What exactly affects the high popularity of Spain?

From an early age we are attracted to this country. Ancient culture, the temperament of local residents, Corrida, known sailors, flamenco and the sound of a guitar – these images are tightly connected in our minds with magnificent Spain.

In addition, it is worth noting the cozy climate of the Mediterranean, which attracts tourists from all over the world to Spain. A lot of great beaches with a wide sand line and transparent sea water always at the services of those who want to relax and experience all the charms of a lazy rest. Pay attention to the coast of such stripes as Costa Brava, Costa-Dorada and Costa del Sol, having all the necessary infrastructure. It is important that these resorts are able to provide rest for every taste and wallet. A variety of hotels and a high level of service, even in economical versions, become a distinctive feature of rest in Spain.

Spanish cities are saturated with an atmosphere of antiquity. In this regard, it is worth noting Madrid and Barcelona.

Madrid capital of Spain – Madrid – is located in the very center of this country and has more than three million inhabitants. Many famous areas, ancient streets and architectural monuments are concentrated in Madrid. In addition, in the Spanish capital there are such well -known attractions as the National Museum of Prado, the Royal Palace, the Royal Theater, the Queen of Sofia, the temple of Motoda, the Cathedral of Almuden and many others.

Barcelona Barcelona is the largest port city of Europe and the capital of Catalonia. In this city, you can combine a pleasant rest on the Mediterranean Sea with a visit to commemorative places. The main attractions of Barcelona are the Cathedral of the Holy Family and the house of Mila Gaudi, singing fountains, the port and Square of Columbus, Ramble Boulevard and a variety of European streets, Guel Park and Picasso Museum.

Spain has many interesting places and cities that are worthy to visit them and feel local flavor. They are all different and have their own special essence and specificity. One thing can be said for sure: the traveler will not remain indifferent to the beauty seen, and he will want to return to this corner of the planet.