Departure abroad without debts

When going on a trip, many questions arise, including: whether going abroad without debts is required? Where you can reliably find out about debts? What amount to consider the long prohibiting border crossing?

Yes, really crossing the border with debts is not possible. But it is one thing when you forgot to pay 100-200 rubles a fine, and another, do not pay child support, or the amount of your debt exceeds all reasonable boundaries. So, now amendments to the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” from 23 have entered into force. 07. 2013., It follows that the amount of 10,000 rubles. will be considered the minimum amount of debts in which your departure from the country may be limited. As well as this restriction of departure should be imposed only by court decision.

Departure abroad without debts before traveling to another country, yet if you have doubts about the availability of debt, then do not break your head for a long time, since you can find all the information on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, where you can see all the information about debtors of both individuals and legal entities “. For an individual, it is enough to know your f. AND. Oh, the date of birth and the place of registration to use the site service. And also if you are the owner of fines, then you should not postpone payment the next day, since there will be no problems pay for the online.

Before the trip, it is also worth checking the payment of taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service, there is also a service in which, in addition to the standard ones, you will need to enter your TIN and then going abroad without debts will not be difficult.

Or information about debts can also be found on the website of the state services of the Russian Federation. If, nevertheless, you have a restriction of travel abroad received from bailiffs, and then repaid the debt, then do not forget to present the payment document on the repayment of debts so that you can be canceled as soon as possible to prohibit you abroad. And on the border you did not have no anticipated problems.

Unfortunately, such “errors” happen that you do not have debts, and for some reason you find yourself in the black lists of debtors-then you will have to solve these problems through the court.

So, if you have repaid all your debts and have achieved the removal of restrictions on going abroad today, and tomorrow you’ll fly away, then just in case take the payment and deregistration of the documents with you. All this is so that on the border you are sure that everything is under control, even if the database of border guards is not updated or a certain failure of the system.

Departure abroad without debts is one of your guarantees of a relaxing vacation or work.