Painting country of Ireland on the path of Gulf Stream

Ireland is an excellent tourist direction, which is characterized by certain cliches, such as: the greenest country, with friendly people who would be geniuses if they were not so passionate lovers of pubs. Indeed, the country of Ireland can boast of its unique nature, its hospitable people and magnificent beer.

The attractions of Ireland

More recently, the country of Ireland was cold and dark, but today, travelers will find beautiful landscapes in this small country, many of which are hidden from civilization and are waiting for their researchers. One of the most remarkable places is the area of ​​Burren (Burren), in which you can encounter multiple underground sources, caves, abysses and cracks. The most famous are Aliwee caves, which are in constant reincarnation. The areas around Killarney are ideal for hiking and bicycle walks, and on the islands of Aran you can not visit the islands of Inis Meain, Cloncmanois (Cloncmanois) and Connemara (Connemara), Galway (Sligo), where you can spend wonderful days in nature.

If we talk about historical and cultural attractions, one cannot help but mention: Trinity College, Chester Bitti’s library, Ginnes brewed factory, Kilmainham, a museum, a wonderful Newgringe monument, Musical Bars LisdoonVarna (LisDoonVarna) and Corrofin and Corrofin (Corroophine) and Corrofin (Corroophine) and Corrophyn FIN ).

National cuisine of Ireland

Ireland is an agrarian country known for its meat, lard, poultry and dairy products.   Recently, the country of Ireland has become very popular in the world of traveling gourmets. Culinary competitions are held throughout the country. Tea of ​​Irish restaurants means a full table, with sandwiches and cakes, and the most famous national dishes are: Irish stew, pork legs, souffle from seaweed, shrimp. Irish beer, Irish whiskey and Irish coffee are known in all meridians.

Weather in Ireland

Although the country of Ireland is located in the north of Europe, the warmths of the Gulf Stream and the proximity of the island to the continent creates a soft, even and moderate climate here. It differs from the neighboring British less precipitation and a significantly smaller temperature difference. In winter, snow in Ireland is not enough, if not talking about the mountains. Temperatures: in winter they reach minus 15, in the spring and autumn are located near the marks plus 7-14 degrees, and in the summer they reach plus 25. Naturally, it is summer that is the most convenient season for visiting this picturesque island.