Estonia – country beauty of the Baltic coast

Very small sizes, the country of Estonia conquers its guests with a variety of landscapes, flora and fauna, ancient cities with a kind of architecture. At the same time, you can find a lot of free space here, since possessing a territory approximately equal to Denmark or Holland, in such a small country like Estonia lives several times smaller than people.

Estonian attractions

Arriving in Estonia, first of all, it is worth exploring the beauty of Tallinn, an old Hanseatic settlement. Of particular interest is the historical center dominated by the Church of Oleviste (Oleviste), and Toompea Citadel (Toompea). Another fascinating city is Pyarn, located near the Gulf of Riga and founded in the 13th century, as a Baltic port and a balneological resort. In addition to ancient architecture, the city of Tartu has several more attractions: the town hall, the old university and its botanical garden. On the shore of Narva, the country Estonia offers to visit its oldest city – Narva. Herman Castle and the Museum of the City are its main points of attraction.

Of the cult attractions, one can note the Monastery, located in Mustvee, at the picturesque lakes of Kuremae (Kuremae) and Peipsi (Peipsi). Located on the shores of the Baltic, the country of Estonia is the mistress of several islands, from which you can distinguish the island of Saaremaa, where several old mills, churches, villages and a restored bishopric castle are located. There is also the island of Hiyumaa (Hiumaa) with forests, swamps, picturesque villages and several old mansions.

Estonia national cuisine

Traditional Estonian cooking is based on veal, pork, potatoes and vegetables. The main influence on her was influenced by the Germans, under the rule of which, the country of Estonia was several centuries. The most popular dishes are: SULT – Valjatina Star, Taidetud Vasikarind – Flying Nafe, Rosolje – herring with vinegar and beets, goose stuffed with prunes and apples. In Tallinn you can find Thai, Georgian, Indian, Greek, Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese restaurants.

Weather in Estonia

Baltic has a significant impact on the climate of Estonia. This is especially true for the coast, where it is softer. On average, the following temperatures are observed in the country: up to minus 10 in January, which is considered the coldest month, until plus 25 in July, which is considered the warmest. It is in July-August that the country of Estonia is especially colorful.