Flight acquaintance with Jordan

A lot of migratory birds, camping in the Wadi Rum desert and the reserve is given, pedestrian routes along caravan routes, therapeutic dirt near the Dead Sea-only a few wealth of this corner of the Arabian Peninsula named the country of Jordances. Luxurious hotels appeared in Akaba, Amman, Peter and the Dead Sea, and local residents are friendly and hospitable, although it is tolerant of foreigners who do not observe their customs, it is better for tourists to show respect for the rules of behavior in this Arab country.

The attractions of Jordan

Of course, the main attraction of historical Jordan is Peter. At sunset, settled in a high place, the tourist will immediately understand why it is called the “pearl of antiquity”: stone tombs acquire a red shade that emphasizes the whole solemnity of this place. But not only Petro is proud of the country of Jordan, if we talk about historical monuments.

Having arrived here you can visit: Roman monuments of the UM QAIS (UM QAIS), Greco-Roman city of Gerash (Jrash), Al-Kharanah Castle, Bani Amra (Amra), Azraq fortress, as well as Macherus (Macherus ( Machaerus), the fortress of Herod, where John the Baptist was imprisoned in prison, and then beheaded.   Natural attractions, too, are not absent in Jordan, and the most picturesque are: the reserves are given and Azara, where you can meet hyenas, wolves, gazelle, ostriches, as well as enchanting landscapes.

National cuisine of Jordan

Like many other countries of the Middle East, the country of Jordan is famous for the kitchen that arose from Bedouin culinary. Although complex, the kitchen of this country is healthy, because it contains oatmeal, cheese, yogurt, fresh and dried vegetables and fruits. Grain and vegetables are combined in thousands in ways with meat, so the simplest ingredients can turn into amazing creations. The most famous dish of the country is Mensaf, which consists of a lamb seasoned with herbs, prepared in yogurt and served with a large portion of rice.

Weather in Jordan

The Middle Eastern Country of Jordan is known for its serious temperature differences. They are especially sensitive in winter, when the thermometer can fall to 10 minutes at night, and grow 30-35 degrees per day.   It is quite hot in summer, so the most pleasant for tourism are spring and autumn months. 21 degrees – minimum water temperature on the coasts of Jordan.