Not touched attractions to Vanuatu

Vanuatu is believed to be the youngest country in the field of tourism. This fairy -tale country is on secluded islands in the Pacific Ocean. Among tourists, there is a second name of the country: “untouched paradise”.

The attraction of Vanuata is its nature, which combines unique ground landscapes and a peaceful underwater world.

The capital of the country is on the island of Efate, the airport is also located here. The capital of the country is a big city of Port-vila. Once in ancient times, the navigator Cook called this island of Sandwich. All other settlements are small villages that are located mainly near the coastline.

Bay Mel amazes with its beauty. Lovers of diving can go to the RIF Gothem City, in the depths of which underwater caves with many tunnels are hidden from human eyes. Not far from the reef is the enchanting cascade of the Mele-Keskeidz waterfalls.

National cuisine Vanuatu

Vanuatu kitchen is mixing melanesian cuisine from French and British. Local products when combined with the traditions of European cuisine acquire their unique taste.

Lapapa dish is a national dishes vanuatu. It is a mixture of bananas, maniacs and grated coconuts. It can exist as an independent dish, and as a side dish. Different animals are fried or baked and served with the “lappois”. Also, national dishes include fish dishes, fried pigeons, snails and frog legs.

In Vanuat, you will definitely try a cava – this is a national drink, it is low alcohol. Welded on these islands, it is considered the best in the world. Various herbal teas and imported alcoholic drinks are also popular.

Climate Vanuatu

The islands located in the north are in the tropical climate, and the islands located in the south in the subtropical climate.

In the northern part of the country in July, the average temperature is about +27 s, in January the temperature reaches +30 C.

In the south of the country in July, the temperature is held in the area of ​​+25 s, and in January about +29 C. Rains are usually observed from November to April month. From May to October, the rain is a very rare phenomenon.

About 4000 mm of precipitation falls in the country in the east of the country in the mountains in the mountains.

In the west of the country, their volume is much less – about 2300 mm of precipitation per year. The most favorable time for visiting the country is the period from May to September.