Insulation of the loggia with polystyrene. Detailed analysis of the service

Effective insulation of the loggia with foam from the standpoint of heat loss to reduce

To insulation of the loggia resort to various reasons. Some want to add in addition to the main – useful area of ​​the room and apartment, respectively. Someone – wants to just warm your housing. In most houses, the premises of which are conducted refers to the main source by a significant part of the heat loss. It is mistakenly believe that one glazing will remove problems associated with heat loss. Installation of glazing is one of the few components of insulation, and one of the stages of the long process.

So that this additional room adjacent from the side of the street to the outer wall becomes warm, it will be necessary to apply technology not only glazing, but also thermal insulation. This means that it will be necessary to warm the floor and roof (ceiling), the facade of the balcony (parapet) and its side part. The capital wall between the room and the balcony is not subject to insulation, its decoration is limited only to cosmetic processing. As a material that will serve as a heat-insulating element, it can be called mineral wool, which differs in class, thickness and manufacturer, extruded polystyrene foam, “sandwich” panels and foamed polyethylene. But the greatest interest among masters and consumers is caused by foam.

Why foam?

Polistyle foam – building material, mainly white, which is 98.00% of the usual air contained in myriads of microscopic thin -walled cells of foamed polystyrene. In this regard, the insulation of the loggia by foam is rightfully considered the most rational from the position of the effectiveness of the properties laid down in it.

In addition, foamed polystyrene has a mass of unsurpassed properties:

• environmental purity, and complete non -toxicity (even when burning, gases are released comparable in composition, as in the burning of traffic jams and wood);

• absolutely not subject to all kinds of effects of microorganisms;

• is completely resistant to moisture, and does not absorb water;

• favorably differs in low volumetric weight;

• does not change sizes in volume with changes in frost and solar influence;

• differs in a sufficiently low degree of conductivity of heat and steam permeability;

• belongs to the category of inexpensive and to the class of the most effective thermal insulation components;

• characterized by a high level of resistance to all kinds of substances, including: sea water, saline solutions, lime, cement, gypsum, alkali, diluted and weak acids, soap, salt, fertilizers and alcohol.

Search for heat source for loggia

The insulation of the loggia with foam will have a complete and ended look only after complete cosmetic decoration and installation of autonomous heating sources. Why is it autonomous? It does not require additional coordination with state bodies, since in the case of the transfer of a battery connected to a centralized urban heating system.

Moreover, to achieve the optimal temperature regime and preservation of the proper level of internal microclimate will require its source, since the properties of the insulation itself are not the generation of heat, but only its preservation within the limits of produced and developed standards. Therefore, no matter how reliably the insulation of the loggia with foam was carried out, a heater will also be required, the installation of which is better to be carried out directly in the part under the window opening (under the windowsill). The simplest device generating thermal energy can be called – an oil electric heater or a wall convector. More complex, but no less effective is the heating of the floor.