Lithuania – the territory of castles, lakes and forests

The territory of castles, lakes and forests, the country Lithuania offers a charming landscape, which consists of vast plains, separated by hills and dunes, along the coast of the Baltic Sea. The capital, Vilnius, is known for its charming Baroque architecture, and Klaiped will surprise a delightful lagoon with turquoise, crystal-clear waters.

The attractions of Lithuania

It is best to get acquainted with historical Vilnius in the old city, which is included in the UNESCO lists, and the religiosity of the city is displayed in the delightful churches of St. Anna and Saints Peter and Paul. The highest structure of the capital is the Gediminas tower, which opens the vast panorama of the city. The most interesting museum is in the city of Kaunas. Probably the most impressive are: the Devil Museum and the museum of the artist Cheurlenis. The ancient capital of Kernava will surprise with its mounds, which are also included in the UNESCO lists, and the city of Palanga will be shown by the Amber Museum and the Botanical Garden.

Environmental tourism, which is of great importance of the country of Lithuania, can be done in the national parks of Trakai, Aukstaytia (Aukstaitija) or Zemitija, as well as in vast forests that occupy a quarter of the territory of Lithuania. Another attraction, the Lighthouse of Nida, was built in 1874. Next to him is the cultural center Thomas Mann, where a German writer lived in the 30s of the last century.

Lithuanian national cuisine

National dishes of Lithuania: Skilandis – smoked meat, Salti Barsciai – cold first dish, cepelianai – potatoes, fried meat, Bulviniai Blynai – potato pancakes and vadarai – potato sausages. Like all Baltic republics, the country Lithuania is known for its special national alcoholic drink, which is called Midus and is made from honey.

Weather in Lithuania

The summer months in Lithuania, on average, warm up to 22 degrees, although at night temperatures drop to 13 degrees. Winter, most often, is quite cold – the temperature drops below 0 degrees. “The breath of the Baltic Sea is felt throughout the country, this is probably why, in the summer there is no exhausting heat, and in winter – fierce frosts. Tourists who want to sunbathe on magnificent Baltic beaches are best come in July, but to lovers of ecotourism, the country Lithuania will provide the best climatic conditions in May or September.