How to relax with a child abroad

Yes, of course, but do not forget that the child does not like changes in the environment, he is a homebody who loves, constant atmosphere. Therefore, it is not always good, mislead it!

If a child is up to 18 months, then it is better to give preference to a slight change in climate. After 2-3 years, you can travel in distant directions, but it is advisable to avoid places where a vaccine is needed if there is a risk of malaria and gastroenteritis.   On vacation with a child abroad on an airplane.

On an airplane if a child is older than 3 weeks, and if there is no ear infection, then the flight on the plane will not be terrible. Be careful not to be too hot, or you just have to drink a little more. Tip: during take -off and landing, make several sips of water or milk, this is an assistance in the entrance and air output through the ears that will not allow, to cause pain in the ear.   The difference in time is bad for the child? It is better to avoid too much time difference that destroys the inner watch of the child, and increases fatigue.   You can go to the mountains with a child?   For six months, the mountain has no interest for your child. By the minuses, when he begins to walk up to one year, you can introduce him to the joys of snow. The ideal height is the “mountain” about 1,500 meters. Important: If your child is too small to withstand all day, you must leave him in a children’s club. So this is quite possible, after three months, provided that there is a vaccine (BCG, DTP.) before the trip.   Maybe it will be better to choose an appointment that will keep you in the family?   Is it desirable to go to the sunny direction in the midst of winter with a child? These are radical changes to avoid the child. Rest with a child abroad requires adaptation of a useless body, especially for a weekly holidays! In general, avoid countries where there are more than 30 ° (risk of gastroenteritis and dehydration) and those that require vaccines (yellow fever, malaria). Africa is not recommended for health reasons, Maghriba is a problem in developed countries.   In what cases should be vaccination?   Before the trip, visit the pediatrician update vaccinations for their children. According to the Pasteur Institute, be sure to visit consultations before a trip to developing countries, especially when it comes to children. The vaccine against yellow fever can be made at the age of 6 months (due to 1 year). Vaccines against the belly typhoid comes into force from 5 years, you can do this at the age of 3 years and hepatitis within 1 year. Important: always remember this to get all vaccinations.   Rest with a child abroad. What to put in a first -aid kit when you go to a warm country with a child? Holidays with a child abroad tablets, a bottle of sterilizer (cold sterilization) bags for rehydration, such as WHO, antipyretable to reduce temperature, not to mention the presence of pediatric drugs.   What are the precautions on the spot?   The Pasteur Institute recommends that the child is not in the sun and without protection (hats, clothes, sunscreen) to avoid a thermal blow during long -term trips, especially by car. To do this, let drink water or liquids for rendering. In any case, make sure that the child wears light clothes, ventilated, preferably cotton. Malaria prevention, make sure that the child is sleeping under a mosquito net saturated with insecticide (through a specialized campsite). The risk of diarrhea, sterilize the bottles, prepare them with mineral water or boiled and filter them to ensure the safety of participants and the child. Breastfeeding is recommended. Also avoid walking your child barefoot on sand or swamp (parasites), bathing in ponds, rivers, or games with animals.