How to choose the right water heater (accumulative and flow). Which water heater to choose

The problem of supplying hot water is familiar to all of us, especially in the summer, when the water supply network is overloaded. In rural areas, when every day summer residents and gardeners spend several tons of water on watering every day, this problem is especially acute. And what to do for those who do not have a water supply at all? At least in the yard and the 21st century, but this state of affairs is found everywhere. Therefore, you have to invent something. Cost on your own. But there is an effective solution to this problem, even if the water supply to the house is not carried out.

A gas boiler or a gas column can not always be used due to the fact that many areas have not yet been gasified. However, electricity is everywhere, and this article will consider the use of precisely electric water heaters. You ask – how to choose a water heater so as not to regret the choice made and not have problems in the future? Electric water heaters in terms of heating and supplying hot water can be divided into two main groups – storage -type water heaters and running water heaters. More about each of them:

1. The flowing water heater contains a heater inside itself – a tubular electric heater. Structurally, the heater consists of a copper tube, in which a nichrome spiral is placed, isolated from the tube with asbestos powder. After the water and tension supply, the heating element begins to warm up the water flowing through it.

Water heaters with the heater are not afraid of air traffic jams inside, differ in high quality manufacturing and a long service life. As can be seen from the description of the operation of such a device, in order to quickly obtain a large amount of water, a large power of the device is required – up to 25 kilowatts, since the flow heater does not have a reservoir for preliminary heating of water – all the water passing through it must be heated immediately.

That is, so that the water does not cool when using, a heater with a capacity of at least eight kilowatts is required. And another nuance – to choose a flowing water heater, it is necessary to have the presence of the corresponding section of the electrical wiring in the building, since the load on it will be very significant.

2. So what to choose a water heater, if the above conditions for receiving hot water are not suitable for you? If you do not have a water supply providing the house with running water, the wiring does not correspond to the estimated load, then you should stop the choice on the accumulator. A large enough water volume with a much smaller load on the mains is the main advantage of such a heater.

The accumulative tank can be a capacity of 5 liters to 150 liters of water, which makes it possible to place it in a room of any size. Before choosing a storage water heater, you must learn more in more detail its technical and operational characteristics, the cost of models and warranty periods of service and service. The price of running heaters ranges from $ 150-650, the cost of a storage heater is from 120 to 650 US dollars.

The domestic market today offers a wide range of models and modifications of electric heaters. To choose the right water heater, you need to decide on the requirements that you present to it. Here are the main criteria for choosing heaters: the necessary volume of water, the material from which the reservoir (enamel or stainless steel), the shape of the model and its overall dimensions, the power of the device, the timing of warranty service. Your choice depends only on you.