How to mount a bitumen tile

We suggest you read the following instructions for the installation of bitumen tiles:

1. How to prepare for installation. It is necessary to ensure a rigid, even and continuous base. It should be made from a trimmed board or plywood, resistant to moisture. Endovs, skates, end parts of the roof and cornice overlays should be covered with a lining layer, for example, “isoplast”-KHPP-3. If the slope of the roof is less than 1: 3, then the lining layer should be placed over the entire surface. If the work is carried out in the cold months of the year T ≤ 5 ° C, then the packaging with the material must be left for storage in a warm room, and during installation, use a gas burner or hair dryer. In the warm months of the year t ≥ 15 ° C, the material is best placed in the shade. It should be released from the protective film right before the start of installation work. To strengthen the tiles on the basis, use thick galvanized nails 3*30 mm., or 3*40 mm. The diameter of their hat should be 6-9 mm. Each lane should be fixed with 4 nails, and if the slope is more than 60 °-6th nails. Per 100 m. sq. It will take 10 kg. nails. Before starting the installation of tiles, we recommend visiting the online military organizer. View the product catalog and buy branded overalls.2. Installation. In accordance with the design of the roof, installation should be started with the installation of “droppers”, or gutters of the drainage system. To form a starting strip, you should cut off the petal strip or place the strip with petals up. To the installation of a roofing carpet, it is necessary to proceed from the center of the cornice overhang otherwise from the midline of the slope towards the end parts of the roof. All other stripes must be placed with a displacement that will form a certain drawing. To achieve this, the ends of the tiles of the tiles should be at the same level with cuts of the tiles of the previous row. Having finished trimming in the valleys and on the end parts of the roof, you should glue the edges of the tiles along the cut line with mastic “Magir” -K or any other mastic for bitumen. The width of the gluing should be 10-15 cm. During trimming, placed the board under the tile to prevent damage to the lower layer of the roof carpet. In order for the seams to come out straight, the marking must be done with the help of chalk, and the trim itself can be carried out by means of a roof knife. Installation of ribs and skates should be performed using elements that are cut from entire petals. Overlap should be made from the wind. Then fix all this with a pair of nails and mastic for bitumen.