How to choose the right elliptical simulator. Which elliptical simulator to choose

The presence of various models of simulators allows you to effectively engage in physical exercises not only in the gym, but also at home. Moreover, manufacturers offer multifunctional sports shells that replace several individual simulators.

For example, a kind of simulator (“three in one”) – elliptical – allows you to replace a treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike. This sports projectile is successfully used during cardio training, imitating walks and jogging, as well as climbing a steep slope or stairs. Classes on it contribute to the load on almost all muscle groups, allow you to lose weight, adjust the figure and get rid of cellulite.

When classes on this shell, unlike an exercise bike, stepper and a treadmill, the upper body is loaded. The shock load on the joints, on the contrary, is excluded. You just need to know how to choose an elliptical simulator. Currently, manufacturers offer three design variants of elliptical simulators: mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic.

Mechanical simulators are the most budget option available to everyone. Load adjustment is carried out mechanically, which does not allow to achieve accurate setting. In addition, simulators of this type are of high noise level.

When deciding which elliptical simulator to choose for homework, you should pay more attention to a magnetic and electromagnetic structure. In the first version, the load is regulated using permanent magnets acting on the flywheel. This allows you to accurately configure the required load in a sufficient range.

In addition, such products are almost silent during classes. In terms of price parameters, they occupy the middle position between mechanical and electromagnetic simulators. Shells with electromagnetic load adjustment are the most expensive, but they have a fairly wide functionality.

Such simulators not only smoothly and accurately regulate the load, but are also able to assess the degree of physical form of the. In addition, in order to choose the right elliptical simulator, you should pay attention to the fact that they have a “rear -wheel drive” and “front -wheel drive” structure. The difference between them lies in different values ​​of the angle of inclination of the body during classes. “Front -wheel drive” models are recommended to choose people of high stature. Depending on the quality of the simulator, some models provide the opportunity to adjust the length of the step. In other models, this indicator is fixed and, as a rule, is about 40 centimeters.

But, probably, the most basic criterion for choosing an elliptical simulator is the presence of free space in the apartment. As a rule, the base of the simulator is about one and a half meters. True, there is an alternative option – a folding simulator. But for its assembly / disassembly, it will take enough time and effort, since the weight of individual models can reach up to 100 kilograms. It is better to allocate a free area for a stationary simulator, having devoted more time to training.