How to choose the right detergent vacuum cleaner. What to choose a detergent vacuum cleaner

The acquisition of a detergent vacuum cleaner is an event of not the last importance, since such vacuum cleaners are expensive. Therefore, before buying, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the data of the device, its technical characteristics and operational capabilities. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of detergents vacuum cleaners.

The disadvantages of detergents of vacuum cleaners include the fact that with their help it is impossible to clean dirt and dust on the parquet floor, as well as on carpets and palaces that have a natural basis. Such a precaution is due to the fact that moisture, falling on absorbent surfaces, can cause the mold of products and floor, which will soon manifest itself not only by unpleasant odors, but also to damage to products and sexes.

Having learned from this article how to choose a detergent vacuum cleaner, have the above fact in mind. However, if you do not want to refuse to buy a vacuum cleaner for these reasons – there is a way out. For parquet coatings, you can use antiseptics and moisture-proof coatings of anerosoli, after processing which you can proceed to cleaning.

Carpets and rugs after wet cleaning can be dried on the street, if there is such an opportunity. Another, in principle, insignificant drawback is that after such cleaning you will have to wash the vacuum cleaner reservoir, but the result of cleaning, we hope, will surpass all your expectations.

The advantages of detergents-all other surfaces can be cleaned without any restrictions. Laminate, plastic, carpet coatings made of artificial materials, furniture and walls (with detergents, with tiles or trimmed with plastic, MDF, etc. D.) – everything is subject to the water vacuum cleaner. The original possibility of cleaning the spilled fluid, dry cleaning of the premises, the use of a vacuum cleaner when washing mirrors and glasses make it almost a universal device.

Before you choose the right detergent vacuum cleaner, you need to know its device and the principle of operation. The vacuum cleaner works simply – water and detergent are poured into the first reservoir, a washing solution is obtained. In the nozzle, this solution from the tank comes under slight pressure, which ensures its uniform distribution over the entire contaminated surface.

The nozzle is arranged so that with the help of the holes specially made in it, dirty water is absorbed into the vacuum cleaner, which enters the second reservoir. It is provided for adjusting the water supply so that the surface that strongly absorb moisture does not get wet too much when cleaning.

Additionally, you can increase the power of the vacuum cleaner with such cleaning that the water does not have time to deeply penetrate the carpet or other coating. There are vacuum nozzles that work in automatic mode, providing the most optimal cleaning of each specific surface.

Technical characteristics of the device will help you decide which to choose a detergent vacuum cleaner. This is, first of all, the power of the apparatus. It is better to play it safe and buy a vacuum cleaner more powerful, so as not to clean the same surface several times. The volume of each of the tanks also determines the degree of convenience of use – when using large tanks, there is no need to add water during cleaning or pour already contaminated.

All vacuum cleaners are equipped with special filters, which, after a certain period of operation, must be replaced. A variety of nozzles for better cleaning – their number and functional features are different in each model of a detergent vacuum cleaner.

Now about seemingly minor trifles. The length of the cord should be at least seven meters, otherwise you will have to either switch from the outlet to the outlet, or mess with the carrying. The function of automatic reversal when wiring and unwinding the cord is also important.

Smooth wagging will protect your furniture from mechanical damage with a cord. The presence of rollers will significantly increase the convenience of moving the vacuum cleaner around the apartment, as the videos rotate in all directions. It is desirable that the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a security system – this will allow it to disconnect when overheating, lack of water in the tank, etc. D.