The lamps of the five types considered in this report are used in a wide range of applications in internal lighting with different working characteristics. When registering these products in the database Led Lighting Facts, it is assumed that manufacturers correctly indicate its category using the existing set of requirements. The Caliper program does not provide for an independent check of the classification of products or the identification of products included in the manufacturers in a certain category.
Data on existing products as of April 1, 2014. indicate that in most cases the characteristics of the LED lamps are similar to the products they replaced in terms of indicators such as a luminous flux and the quality of color rendering. For example, Armstrong LED lamps in most cases are comparable to two -lamp fluorescent lamps of the same type. If the role played by traditional technologies in improving the quality and energy efficiency of LED lamps is understandable, the value of qualification programs is less obvious. The vast majority of registered lamps of all five categories meet the requirements for effectiveness according to the criteria Energy Star or DLC QPL. However, the effectiveness of most of these products only slightly exceeds the required value. At the same time, the average efficiency of downs and track lamps, to which less stringent efficiency requirements are presented compared to the products of the other three types, are much lower than that of linear, industrial lamps and lamps of Armstrong. To some extent, this difference can be explained by the corresponding market demand and restrictions due to the smaller form factor and specialized optics. However, in some downslaits, the effectiveness exceeds 100 LMP. From the point of view of energy consumption, higher efficiency increases the competitiveness of products. As soon as the energy efficiency of LED lamps will significantly increase, a decrease in their value and wide implementation will immediately increase the economy of electricity to a greater extent than the further increase in efficiency.