Nauru – island for extreme

Nauru is a coral island, with an area of ​​21 square kilometers located in the Pacific Ocean, north of the Solomon Islands. This is far from a tropical paradise, the country of Nauru is more interesting for lovers of extreme adventures and travels. In recent years, signs of vegetation began on the island and infrastructure to develop. Although tourism has never been a strong side of the island, there are several hotels and attractions, relics of Japanese occupation, small secluded beaches and several Chinese resorts. The ocean offers excellent opportunities for fishing and deep -sea diving.

Sights of Nauru

The main attraction of the capital of Nauru, the city of Yaren (Linkbelt Oval), is the original stadium of the Linkbelt Oval (Yaren), where the national sport is practiced – Australian football. Interesting for extremes and ruins of military facilities remaining after the Second World War. The most beautiful and most equipped beach of the island is the Anibila beach, although the currents are quite dangerous, but for bathing, the port of Anibor is more suitable, where there are no currents and not so deeply. The whole country of Nauru with Command Ridge is visible, the highest point of the island.

The country of Nauru has another attraction: healthy and tasty national cuisine. Since this is an island state, the main ingredients gives the sea, and due to high temperatures the food is light, simple, with a unique aroma and taste. Culinary traditions were formed under the Japanese, German, Chinese and Australian influence. In addition to the fish, the main ingredient is meat, mostly smoked and boiled, and the best opportunity to taste the dishes of national cuisine are parties and holidays. Local cookies are very popular, whose ingredients are coconut, banana, cinnamon and nutmeg. Other exquisite local desserts: coconut mousse, banana cream, coconut cocktail, which can be like sweet, tick and alcohol.

Weather in Nauru

Located almost on the equator, the country of Naur does not indulge in large temperature variations. Here, almost throughout the year, it is hot and humid, and the temperatures are held between the 28th and 35th degrees. In the summer months, they can rise to a 40-degree mark, and in September-October, when northeastern passats blow, it can get colder by 3-5 degrees. Probably, it is this period that is most favorable for traveling here.