How to make a fountain with your own hands

Almost every owner of a personal plot wants to make it unique and original. For this, some plant beautiful flower beds or create alpine slides, others build interesting designs, original paths, or garden sculptures. However, it is possible to make the territory truly unforgettable and enchanting with the help of a man -made reservoir, which will also perform in addition to the decorative function and practical. Let’s talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands.

Everyone knows about the relaxing properties of water flows, in addition, the reservoir on the site will moisturize and cool the heated air in hot weather. An excellent accessory for any household territory can be the original author’s fountain. To create such a luxurious object of landscape design, you can use the services of a high -quality designer, however, if desired, you can build a beautiful fountain with its own efforts.

In order for the final result to be successful and high -quality, it is important to know the sequence of stages and the rules for arranging a decorative home -made fountain. First of all, you should imagine and sketch the appearance of the finished reservoir, so that based on its parts and structures, select the components and details of the landscape object. It is very important to determine the size, shape, depth of the future fountain. In addition, he must harmoniously suit the style of the entire personal plot.

We determine the location of the fountain

The subsequent stage of creating a decorative fountain will be a successful selection of the place where it will be located. It is important that the place is well visible and occupies a profitable position. The fountain should not be placed under direct sunlight, as this will cause too active development of algae and bacteria. It is also not recommended to select a too darkened or shady place for the reservoir, since constant darkness will not allow it to look playful and attractive. The fountain should not be placed under trees, the fallen leaves of which will often clog water. It is also not recommended to build a fountain in the open wind, since the air mass will bend the stream of the fountain and oversaturate with moisture adjacent to the reservoir.

The arrangement of the fountain

After that, you can proceed to the direct formation of the future foundation of the fountain. This is necessary:

dig a pit of the required shape and depth;

to hold the pit with a dense plastic film, which should be fixed with rounded stones;

To strew the bottom of the fountain with decorative boulders or sifted sand – this will allow to hide the film and make the surface of the bottom more natural and natural;

The subsequent process of creating a decorative fountain will be the installation of a water pump and a nozzle for a sprayer of water jets. Since they come in different shapes, values ​​and structures, it is very important to take care of the selection of a perfectly suitable sprayer in advance, which will create the desired composition of water masses;

Next, you should install a pump that will allow water to circulate and create a continuous game of jets. Pumps are of different capacities, so choosing it, it is better to consult sellers or landscape designer;

One of the final stages of fountain design is the installation of lighting, which will enjoy the charm of the fountain even in the dark. It can be either one -color and multi -colored. It depends on personal preferences and the general style of the site;

Further, you can safely fill the fountain with water and start decorating it. For decoration, you can use water plants or decorative fish.

Useful effect from the use of the fountain

A decorative man -made fountain can become a real object of pride of any personal plot. Such a reservoir will allow you to feel peacefulness and tranquility.

Everyone knows about the relaxing properties of water flows, in addition, the reservoir on the site will moisturize and cool the heated air in hot weather.

An excellent accessory for any household territory can be the original author’s fountain. To create such a luxurious object of landscape design, you can use the services of a high -quality designer, however, if desired, you can build a beautiful fountain with its own efforts.