Hotel choice

Drive the memories of the past vacation can be an incorrectly selected hotel or hotel. As a rule, choosing a hotel through Internet, it is impossible to see all the nuances of a temporary place of residence provided by firms. In addition, such bright photos and angles of rooms created by professional photographers do not leave anyone indifferent and make you believe in the visible luxury.

The photo in this case is an advertisement. And any advertising project, avenue or booklet was created with the aim of attracting a potential client at all costs. You do not have to be a specialist in the field of hotel business in order to identify and calculate an unscrupulous entrepreneur. To do this, you need to know a few tricks of choosing a hotel from a photo. Hotel if you are important for the size of the room, look at the photo as attentive as possible. If there are disproportionately wide curtains, chandeliers, TV, there is a clear catch here.

If it is important for you to have a natural light source, you will pay attention to the window. The photo may not be an object if it is in a large form. Check this in advance at the hotel representatives or in other reliable sources.

Also, when making your choice of the hotel in the photo, pay attention to the quality of the proposed interior. If it seems to you that his appearance is not very inspiring, most likely, with full -time acquaintance, it will be even worse.

In general, the choice of a hotel by photo is a very risky business. This is especially true for hygienic indicators of housing offered. If the shower and the toilet do not even look properly in the photograph, choose another, more suitable option for you.

To make customers and gain a price, many hotels use their tricks. One of the most common is the decorative design of the number. Bed sprinkled with petals of flowers, towels and napkins, folded in the form of animals and plants, champagne with glasses in the bathroom, a bar filled with expensive drinks with a “All-Inclusive” sign.

From such photographs, the impression of a cozy and well -groomed room is created, which is not inferior in service by the hotel of the Grand category, but in reality it may turn out to be the hotel of the “middle hand”.

Thus, the choice of a hotel from a photo is quite possible, but not always an justified option, and, experts recommend choosing hotels according to reviews that people living there.