Amazing Latvia nearby

Latvia is an amazingly interesting country in Northern Europe, which for more than half a century suffered from lack of attention. Everything that characterizes this small piece of land called the country of Latvia consists of contrasts: architecture, landscapes, people, customs, cooking. Surprises appear on every corner, from miniature cafes to ballet or opera performances.

The attractions of Latvia

The land on which the country of Latvia extends today was once the dear Vikings to the Slavic and Central European countries. History manifests itself here at every step, from ancient Riga churches to the Church of Crimuld, which is more than 800 years old. Tourists here have the opportunity to take part in colorful traditional holidays, various cultural events and entertainment programs throughout the year.

The city of Riga is the capital of Latvia, peculiar and colorful. The areas built in Soviet times are adjacent to the ancient traditional architecture and all this is surrounded by numerous green oases, lakes and channels. A special attraction of the city is bridges, many castles on which, symbolize eternal love. But not only the cities are known to the country of Latvia. Good for relaxation resort sigulda. In the National Park, located here you can visit the delightful castle of Turayde, next to which the heroes of national fairy tales were immortalized in stone. Fans of ecotourism can enjoy Flora and Fauna Kurzem, Latgale and Vidzem, as well as relax from the bustle in the charming villages of Bauske, Cesis, Calcutta and Talsi.

National cuisine of Latvia

Latvian national dishes are known, especially residents of the former union. It is impossible not to remember the unique taste of Kotletes – meat cakes, Skabu Kapostu – cabbage soup, alexander Torte – puff pastry dough, piragi – pies with bacon and bow. Of course, a real treasure is the Black Balm – the most famous alcoholic drink of Latvia.

Weather in Latvia

Since the country of Latvia is located in the northern latitudes, it is best to come here in the summer, when the air temperature warms up to 25 degrees, and the water temperature is up to 23. In winter, the thermometer is most likely to drop below the value of 0 degrees. In the continental areas, minus 10 can reach. Rains, most often are in spring and autumn, and in winter a lot of snow falls, so lovers of ski entertainment can choose Latvia for winter holidays.