Republic of Infinite Summer in the Dominican Republic

Two -thirds of the picturesque island of Espanyola are occupied by the country of the Dominican Republic, sharing the beauty of this place from Haiti. Christopher Columbus called this island “the most charming place of land”. Of course, before that, the great navigator has not been on land for a long time, but there is a share of truth in this statement.

The attractions of the Dominican Republic

What is interesting the country of the Dominican Republic? First of all, his capital-Santo Domingo, which is divided into two parts. In the old city, colonial, it stands out its architecture Street Calle de Las Damas, and the new city is a modern port full of shopping complexes, nightclubs, casino. The fantastic Los Tres-Uzhos Agua (Los Tres de Agua) is nearly located-a cave complex with huge stalagmites and stalactites. On the coast you can admire the Amber Board, visit the amber museum and fortifications of Fort San Philip, built 400 years ago to protect the island from pirates. Puerto Payment, which is proud of the country of the Dominican Republic, settled between the colonial port and Mount Isabel de Torres). The main natural attraction is the island of Cabritos (Cabritos) – a national park shelter in the middle of Lake Enrique (Enrique), on which crocodiles, flamingos and iguans live.

National cuisine of the Dominican Republic

The Caribbean dish of Arroz Con Habichuelas, prepared from rice and beans, is the main one in the Dominican diet. It is served with stewed beef. Another demanded dish is Sancocho – stew with vegetables, to which fried bananas are added very often. Other popular dishes are: Chicarrones – fried pork meat and empanadillas – meat pies. Dominican food, most often fat and high -calorie, and sweet rice and – favorite desserts of local children.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

It will be correctly called the weather in the Dominican Republic “endless summer”. In winter there are no less than 17 degrees, and in the summer there are more than 32. The most sultry month is August, and cold – February. The country of the Dominican Republic is surrounded by the waters of the Caribbean and Atlantic, whose water temperature fluctuates between 25 and 32 degrees. May and September bring strong rains, more often in the north of the island, but they are short -term, so you can sunbathe and swim, even, at this time.