Portugal Country Portugal – to go to the west

For centuries, the country of Portugal has been a pioneer in the world of geographical discoveries, but until recently, had no great success in the tourism industry. In addition to Lisbon, Algarve and Madeira, Portugal was a closed book for most travelers. Today, the country is one of the leaders of European tourism. A rich and restless story, a unique culture and charming hospitality, are an integral part of today’s Portugal.

The attractions of Portugal

Acquaintance with the capital’s attractions can be started with the mouth of the Tesu, where the castle of St. George is located, dated the 12th century, continue to the oceanarium in which the sharks live, or the pavilion of the nations to which the modern cable car leads, and complete in the suburbs by Belem, from where he went into your historical journey Vasco da Gama. 25 kilometers from Lisbon is the city of Sintra, full of palaces and gardens, among which the enchanting gardens of Montserrat stands out. The Lighthouse of Kabo da Roca rises to the west of it-the western point of Europe.

The wine and country of Portugal are inappropriate, and the main wine city is Porto, which offers other memorable attractions: the old city, the Palace of the Exchange, the Sedofeita Church (Cedofeita), the Clerigush tower and Cais de Ribeira (Cais de Ribeira) on the embankment. In the northeast of the country there is a medieval capital of Portugal, Himaraeinsh, a magnificent example of a medieval city with a colorful castle and a palace belonging to the Dukes of Bragans.

National cuisine of Portugal

Fish is the main product of Portuguese cuisine. They say that it is an ingredient of so many recipes that you can prepare another dish every day. The most popular species of fish are: salmon and sardines, octopus and hek, Paltus and squid. The Portuguese of soups are very fond of, namely Caldo Verde – green soup, Couve Galega – soup with Welsh, sopa alentejana – garlic soup. Loves the country of Portugal and desserts, especially Arroz doce – rice pudding seasoned with cinnamon.

Weather in Portugal

The nature of the weather in Portugal is under the strong influence of the Atlantic, namely the cold Canary course. That is why, the country of Portugal rejoices a cooler climate than the territories located on the same parallel. January is considered the coldest month (3-11 degrees of heat), and July and August-the hottest (23-28 degrees).