How to make a house bright and spacious

In the struggle to preserve heat in the dwelling, many had to sacrifice. Including normal natural lighting rooms. To reduce heat loss, the area of ​​the windows has decreased in proportion to the latitude of housing. Houses in the northern regions were covered, to a greater extent artificial light sources. Terras and verandas remained an island of natural lighting, but their use directly depended on the season. In the cold season, these rooms became unsuitable for normal functioning.

Now more and more often you can see houses with huge glass walls, winter gardens, translucent and transparent roofs. Moreover, modern technologies allow architects and builders to create various forms of translucent structures. The rectangle no longer dominates the design of facades and interiors. Transparent ceilings and glass walls can bizarrely change bends, both on the plane and in volume. With the help of such decisions, a person, as if erases the line between nature and the dwelling. This is noticeable in the increased popularity of French windows from floor to ceiling.

Such windows are beneficial not only with their multifunctionality and versatility, being both a window, a partition, and a door. The panoramic window successfully transforms the room in which it is installed. It makes the room higher and wider, visually increasing volumes. The designs of sliding wings in such windows allow you to use free space more efficiently.

The quality of modern double -glazed windows allows you to turn lighting structures into excellent material for creating small forms. The relative ease and small thickness of panoramic windows and glass walls do not at all worsen their reliability and efficiency. In terms of thermal insulation indicators, such structures are not inferior to walls composed of familiar materials.