Among the mass of various types of finishes, you can find the most original and non -standard to make the design of your interior unique. In addition, today the technologies of finishing work are so simple that their embodiment and implementation even can be able to make a home repair with their own hands. Do not immediately call a specialist in order to additionally pay for him for work. If, for example, you have chosen wall decoration with a wild stone, then by studying the process of work, you can quite independently perform all the stages of work.
Surface preparation
The area of the wall, which is intended for decoration, must be prepared. First of all, it is cleansed of extra tracks, pieces and excesses from the previous finish – these are old wallpapers, paint, etc. Everything should be removed, and the cracks, cracks, chips or hillocks are thoroughly cleaned, plastered and leveled. After the plaster dries, the surface of the wall is primed with a special primer, which forms the film and prevents the accumulation from dust.
Finishing methods depending on the material
It should be noted right away that if you plan to finish the walls or ceiling with a natural heavy stone, you must use metal reinforcement, which is attached on top of the plastered area. It is this reinforced net that will allow you to firmly hold on to the real natural stone vertically. If your wall is “sewn” with drywall, then it is better to select wall sheets no thinner than 12.5 mm. The drywall sheets should be strengthened in at least three places along the length.
If you have chosen an artificial stone as a decoration, which is usually made of ceramics, then it is not necessary to use a reinforced mesh, because the material is lightweight, and therefore it will be fully kept on glue. To consolidate decorative stone from light materials, they usually use:
liquid Nails;
special for stone or standard tile glue;
Silicone glue.
If you want to use an ordinary cement-sand mortar, then for it you must add some plasticizers for it, so that there is not only a strong clutch of materials, but also the clutch surface with the stone is quite plastic. An ordinary detergent can serve as a plasticizer, and for greater strength – the construction glue of PVA. In the case of gluing the stone on the drywall, should be checked in the instructions for its operation, whether this or that glue can be applied to it.
Laying of decorative stone
After your sketch is ready, and you decided how you will do the masonry: VSTK or with seams, you need to apply an adhesive solution, on which each tile of decorative stone is then laid. The solution is best applied with a cell or spatula with a comb. The first layer of the solution is applied to the width of the first row of stone, which should be perfect. Then the adhesive base is applied to stone tiles, and a stone with slight pressure is laid so that the glue protrudes through the cracks if the method is used. The glue then is easily wiped.
Be sure to give each row to dry and only then continue to work on the next row. Ready masonry should stand for a day. Further, if necessary, all the seams are filled with adhesive solution using a “confectionery bag” with a thin stream, rubbed and aligned. It is necessarily recommended to be finished masonry varnish, and for the bathroom or kitchen in the area near possible water spray, it is better to go through waterproofing material before varnishing.