The choice of the best breed, merciful, pregnancy and upright

In comparison with other pets, the pig has a high rate of mass increasing, the amount of meat, as well as taste and nutritional properties. In addition, it is difficult to find a more all -day pets, they eat, everything that you offer them. Another important advantage of pigs is their high fertility, in comparison, for example, with a cow.

For one zosoros, a piglet gives offspring up to 14 individuals. With proper care, a two -time strop is possible during the year. Therefore, many residents of rural areas are engaged in the breeding of pigs. On the one hand, they provide themselves and their family with high -quality and fresh meat, and on the other, they can make excellent money on this.

In order to engage in pig breeding, it is necessary to decide on the breed, to purchase feed and special additives for the correct and quick weight gain, get acquainted with the main signs of “hunting” from pigs and regularly observe its beginning, as well as to help a pig for expansion.

Which breed is better, meat -soot or bacon?

Russian farmers today successfully breed pigs, both domestic and foreign. All breeds can conditionally be divided into the following categories: Shard-meat, meat and bacon. The choice of breed depends on personal taste preferences if you are going to grow a pig for yourself, and on the market demand if you are going to grow pigs for sale.

Shard-meat breeds include such breeds as the North Caucasian, Belarusian Black-Pestroy and Mirgorodskaya. Typically, the pigs of these breeds are small in size, with severe dispatch, black and variegated colors.

Among the bacon breeds are the most popular Landras and Estonian bacon. Bacon pigs of pigs are characterized by a higher meat output compared to fat. Pigs themselves have an elongated body, long ears and light color. They have a brightly expressed ham and the file part.

Ukrainian steppe white, Siberian and Lithuanian white belong to meat and suits. Outwardly they have large shapes, light color. Muscle tissue prevails over the fat. These breeds have gained great popularity among farmers, as they are great for both meat fattening and bacon. In addition, these breeds are very fertile, and the weight of the pig in six months can reach a centner. As for the boars, their individual specimens weigh up to 370 kg.

The popularity of Vietnamese pigs is gaining momentum, due to its profitability. Feed costs are reduced due to the compactness of the breed. High fertility – up to 20 piglets in one support, bacon type of addition.

Propagation of the Vietnamese rock of pigs occurs similarly to domestic breeds. The only condition is the mandatory presence of a person when the pig is expanded. For this breed, it is very important that newborn piglets during the first thirty minutes after the birth, taste milk. Otherwise they can die, as they are born very weak.

Signs of “hunting” in pigs and the best time for a mate of pigs

In six months of age, pigs already have puberty, but the first mate is better to spend no earlier than in a couple of months. The body of a six -month pig is still not ready for fruiting. Early mating can lead to inhibited development of a sow and, accordingly, to weak offspring.

In addition, the young pig has not fully developed mammary glands, so that a full -fledged maternal feeding can not be discussed. This can also negatively affect the growth of newborn piglets. Also, the age of the pig during the first mating may affect the fertility.

A six -month pig can bring a offspring no more than 8 piglets, and the one -year -old will delight its owner with 10 or 11 piglets. The best option for the first mating is a ten -month pig, whose fatness is approximately 120 kg. It is also not recommended to feed the animal in front of the mating, since the obese pig does not tolerate pregnancy.

Successful mating largely depends on how correctly the “hunt” period was determined by the pig. This period is characterized by the following features:

noticeable swelling and redness of the genitals in the pig is observed;

there are expirations that speak of the maturation of follicles;

The animal during this period is anxious, increased activity, screeches;

there is a decrease or lack of appetite.

When the peak of sexual activity is reached, the pig shows the so -called reflex of immobility, allowing it to cover it. This reflex allows you to most accurately determine the time when it is worth starting the boar. If when pressed with hands on the cereals of the pig, she did not run away, but stands motionless, then – time has come!

The duration of ovulation in a pig on average is about 10-15 hours. The “hunting” period stretches from 36 hours to 120. Since the egg comes out about a day a day from the beginning of the “hunting” period, it is important not to miss this moment for mating.

Upon completion of the “hunting” period, an attenuation of sexual arousal is observed within seven days and the next fourteen days lasts a period of balance, in which it is absolutely indifferent to the boar. So, the duration of the sexual cycle of the pig is from 17 to 24 days. Then the cycle is repeated. If the “hunting” period does not come, then the mating has passed successfully and the pig became pregnant.

Pregnancy and stands

The diet of a pig in the first half of pregnancy is not very different from the usual. It is important to ensure that damaged products, for example, are moldy or rotten, do not fall into its feeding trough. The second half of Pig pregnancy requires changes to the diet. On ¾ it should consist of concentrated feed. In addition, you need to increase the amount of juicy and rough feed, do not drink it with too cold water and release it a couple of times a day from the corral for a walk. A couple of days before exposure, walks need to be stopped.

Suprosticity (pregnancy) in a piglet lasts about 111-115 days. The indirect signs of the approach of childbirth are redness and swelling of the genitals, lowering the belly and the deflection of the back, increasing the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum when pressed on them. In addition, a sow can behave uneasily, carrying straw from one place to another.

During the exposure, attempts at the piglet occur every 10 minutes. With each attempt, the piglet is born. Grings can last from an hour and a half to six. If you see that the stands are too long, then it is necessary to speed up the process. To do this, washing the mammary glands of the piglet with warm water and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, you need to apply born piglets to them. This procedure accelerates the completion of the birth process and the exit of the last.

A farmer engaged in the breeding of pigs should know how he can help a piglet during expansion. The newborn piglets need to wash the patch, clean the mouth and ears of mucus. Then wipe it dry and bandage a 5 cm umbilical cord from the abdomen, cutting it one centimeter below and burn it with iodine. If the piglet was born in the amniotic membrane, then it must be broken and if he does not show signs of life, then try to “blow” the air through his mouth. You can also lower it into warm water for a minute, holding his head.