How to make a sandbox with your own hands

Many parents want to make a sandbox for their children in their own site or in the country. Thanks to her, children develop imagination and imagination, and also develop motor skills. The sandbox can interest children who will completely forget about everything and will be happy to build houses and play with scoops. You can purchase a finished sandbox, however, high -quality wooden structures are quite expensive, so the easiest way to build it on your own. To do this, you need a beam, screws and a board.

First of all, you need to decide on the place where the sandbox will be located. To do this, you do not need to choose an open space so that the children are not constantly under the sun. Next, you need to decide what size the design will be, and it is important to consider, the kids love to play together, so you do not need to make it too small. The most reasonable size is 2*2 m. By the way, now they also often began to carry out the construction of warehouses by usually professionals.

At the next stage, you need to come up with a design and design, which will fit into the station and will decorate it.

On the ground you need to put markings, clean the ground and remove its upper layer about 15 cm. 4 racks must be installed at the corners of the future structure, strengthen and compact them by 30 or 40 cm. 4 shields need to be assembled from boards and screw them to the racks with screws, as well as fastened with each other. They need to be fastened to the sides, as children will sit on them. Next, a layer of pebbles or crushed stone is poured out. At the last stage, the sandbox needs to be painted and filled with sand.