Features of the use of screw piles for the foundation

The first use of screw piles was recorded more than two centuries ago, when the flexible mind of a young Irish engineer visited an interesting idea as an additional strengthening of the foundation of the sea beacon, which was entrusted to build it, use devices that the most efficient stability was achieved by screwing into the ground.

The idea was considered by a special commission, which at that time included famous engineers builders. All were surprised by the simplicity of solving the problem, which fixed the foundation foundations on an incomparably new, qualitative level. Throughout the next time, the technology was subjected to a number of improvements, which, as it turned out later, were the real find in construction. The use of foundations using screw piles as fixing elements, significantly increased the life of buildings by more than 20%.

What is the foundation on screw stilts for ordinary low -rise buildings: the strength of the base, the absence of those destructive moments that are subjected to buildings as a result of the action of water soils, the ability to withstand changes that occur during the exposure of floods. Such types of foundation today are popular among developers of suburban sites for many reasons, but one of the most basic is the strength of the strength of the whole building. Before starting the design, geological exploration of the site is carried out, which helps to find out whether there is soil water in the ground. Ground waters are not rare and they are the cause of serious damage to the entire building, but first of all the foundation suffers. Even in the absence of drainage systems, foundations using screw piles significantly increase the quality and life of the “life” of the foundation.