Canada with its diversity

Few countries of the world offer as many opportunities as the country of Canada. The West of the country is known for its magnificent landscapes, the East combines the aromas and charm of Europe with the riot of New York, and in the north of the country you can find corners of real wild nature.

Sights of Canada

The second largest in the world, the country of Canada has a huge number of attractions. It is unrealistic to get acquainted with them in a couple of days, but it is desirable to have an idea of ​​them. You can visit here:

The Niagara waterfall consists of two parts, one of which is located in Canada and the other in the USA. A real city resort city is spread around it, which offers a wide range of activities;

Jasper National Park is the largest mountain park of Canada, possessing a length of more than 10,000 square kilometers. His landscape consists of glaciers, rocks, forests, meadows covered with flowers, and the fauna is replete with moose, bears, antelopes and handsome deer caribu;

Old Quebec is the only fortress north of Mexico. It is divided into two parts and resembles a piece of ancient Europe, with paved streets, buildings and churches built in the 17th and 18th century;

Angolkin provincial park is a piece of wildlife in Ontario Province. He quickly became a favorite place for lovers of hiking, having many lakes, forests, swamps, rivers and picturesque rocks;

The old port of Montreal is located in the historical center of the cosmopolitan, franco -speaking Montreal. He was an important commercial center of North America, and today is an interesting cultural attraction.

National cuisine of Canada

The culinary habits of such a huge territory as Canada Country vary depending on the region and region of residence: in Newfoundland they prefer in the Epinter, on the island of Prince Edward – Clambakes, they prefer French cuisine in Quebec, they love fried pheasants and pumpkin pie in Ontario, and in the north -the in the Western territories cannot do without meat of moose and fish.

Weather Canada

The proximity of the Arctic Ocean determines the cool summer and cold winters, although the weather depends on the area and geographical features. For example, in the north, the Polar climate, with a decrease in temperature up to 40 degrees, there is a huge temperature difference in the prairies, and in the west, the soft climate reminds of the warmest edges. Absolute temperature minimum 51 degrees and absolute temperature maximum, plus 45 degrees emphasize how great the country of Canada is.