Portugal – Lisbon Riviera

Portugal is located in the extreme southwest of Western Europe. Located in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Azores and Archipelago Madeira. The north and east is the border with Spain, in the west and south the territory is limited by the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The population is 10,799 thousand. Man (2013.). The main cities are Lisbon, Braga, Koimbra, Porto, Setubal, Evora. The main places for tourists’ recreation are mainly localized in three groups: Lisbon Riviera, Algarve and Azores.

Koshta Du Sol Lisbon Riviera or Coshta Du Sol, which means translated by the Sunny Coast, serves as one of the favorite places for the leisure of the Portuguese. Coshta Sol is protected from the winds of the Atlantic and has a soft climate, which is already in the XIX in. turned this area into Portuguese Riviera. One of the most popular places among tourists is the town of Estheril. The central part of the neighboring Kashkaysh consists of an old city with many restaurants and cafes and crowded pedestrian streets. A great place for walking will be the upper city with a magnificent aristocratic castle and a landscaped city park.

Ginsha further along the rocky shore is Ginshu with a terrain abound in vast dunes and frequent storms, delighted with numerous windsurfing fans. The symbol of the town of Sintra, sung by Byron, is the royal palace of XIV in. The bulk of the castle of the Moors, captured in 1147, rises on Mount Sentra. As a result of an attack by the king of Portugal Afons I. Palace Peni, located on one of the high rocks above the city, was built in XIX in. in a fabulous pseudo -medial -style style.

The province of the Algarve Province of Algarve, which is a narrow strip of land in the very south of Portugal, performs the function of the main resort region of the country. Winter here is more like spring, and the temperature never drops below 12 ° C. In other words, the velvet season last year. From the north, the coast of Algarve is fenced from the winds. In the east, the province has a flat sandy shore, and the western half is replete with more rocky landscapes. Algarve is a significant agricultural region, drowning in the greenery of beautiful gardens and exotic plants. The best place for golf, tennis and water varieties cannot be found.   The main city of the Algarve region is, surrounded by a medieval wall, the city of Farah, a town with Romano -Gothic Cathedral, the Museum of Henry of the Sailor and the abode of the Assumption of the Virgin. The island of San Migel is the largest island of the Azores archipelago is the island of San Migel. Its attractions are: Museum of Carlos Mocado, the temple of St. Sebastian, the temple of St. Peter the XVI-XVIII centuries., as well as magnificent lagons. Geysers can admire the hollow Vale Das Furnas. Another island of Santa Maria provides a lot of opportunities for supporters of outdoor water rest. It will not hurt to visit the town of Vil Du Porto with small pretty houses, a historical temple and a chapel, in which prayers to the Almighty Satellites Columbus extolled.